A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 125, October II 1997, 337-341
Received January 20; accepted January 22, 1997
J. Kaluzny - W. Krzeminski
M. Nalezyty
Send offprint request: J. Kaluzny
Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4,
00-478 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: (jka,nalezyty)@sirius.astrouw.edu.pl
Carnegie Observatories, Las Campanas Observatory, La Serena, Cailla 601,
e-mail: wojtek@roses.ctio.noao.edu
We report discovery of 3 new faint variables in the globular cluster
NGC 288:
2 SX Phe stars and 1 contact binary. Both SX Phe variables are blue
stragglers. The contact binary is located below cluster turnoff,
slightly to the red of the main sequence.
New photometry of 6 previously known variables
is also presented.
We note that 26 out of a total 43 SX Phe stars identified recently
in Cen and NGC 288 exhibit V-band light curves with full
amplitudes smaller than 0.10 mag.
The sample of known SX Phe stars
is likely to be significantly incomplete in regard to the low
amplitude variables
keywords: globular clusters: individual: NGC 288 -- stars: variables: other -- blue stragglers -- stars: horizontal-branch -- binaries: close