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2. The observational material

Six northern planetary nebulae were observed with a Tektronic CCD installed at the f/6 focus of the 120-cm telescope of the Haute Provence Observatory: it offers a total field of view of tex2html_wrap_inline1128 square arcsec (tex2html_wrap_inline1130 pixel-size or 0.77 arcsec tex2html_wrap_inline1132). The southern object, NGC 6302, was observed with the McLellan 1-m telescope (f/7.8) at Mt John, New Zealand, using a Thomson TH7882 CDA-chip (tex2html_wrap_inline1134 square pixels, 0.61 arcsec tex2html_wrap_inline1132) covering a total field of view of tex2html_wrap_inline1138 square arcsec.

The interference filters used in our study have bandwidths tex2html_wrap_inline1140, with typical transmission of about 60%. In some cases, however, 44 Å-wide tex2html_wrap_inline1126, [OIII]5007 Å and 39 Å-wide [SII]6737 Å filters were used. The filters were mounted in front of the detectors in the direct imaging mode. The image quality was about 1tex2html_wrap_inline1144 5 - 2'' during the observations.


Names tex2html_wrap_inline1126 [NII] [OIII] He/H [NII]/tex2html_wrap_inline1126 tex2html_wrap_inline1152 Size('') 12 tex2html_wrap_inline1156m 25 tex2html_wrap_inline1156m 60 tex2html_wrap_inline1156m 100 tex2html_wrap_inline1156m
A 39 - - - 0.110 - 0.0 174 0.50 0.25 0.90 1.46
Sh 1-89 639.00 823.00 433.00 0.193 1.288 0.86 35 0.89 0.25 2.14 20.15
Sh 2-71 1088.00 3888.00 1423.00 0.110 3.574 1.45 100 1.41 2.26 4.50 102.18
N650-1 649.00 490.00 1186.00 0.108 0.755 0.20 67 0.28 2.79 6.80 9.29
N6302* 704.00 1758.00 1354.00 0.182 2.497 1.26 44.5 32.08 335.90 849.70 537.40
N6543(c) 323.30** 20.00 788.70 0.111 0.062 0.12 19.5 7.52 113.48 133.40 62.68
N6543(h) 323.40** 304.80 1895.00 - 0.942 - 7.52 113.48 133.40 62.68
N6720 299.00 297.00 1064.00 0.113 0.993 0.29 76 0.82 10.15 52.27 54.62
Table 1: Characteristics of observed PN

The line intensity values (normalized to tex2html_wrap_inline1170) are from Acker 1993's tables when available. (**) Data from Manchado & Pottasch 1989; indices (c) and (h) being related to the centre and the halo nebula respectively. tex2html_wrap_inline1172 are optical extinction values at tex2html_wrap_inline1174 from CKS92 (their tex2html_wrap_inline1176 column) and IRAS data from the IRAS catalogue. NGC 6302 was observed at the MJUO McLellan 1-m telescope.  


Names tex2html_wrap_inline1178 F(tex2html_wrap_inline1126) F([NII]) F([OIII]) d(pc) Mi(*) tex2html_wrap_inline1192(tex2html_wrap_inline1174)
A 39 175 5.15 - 19.94 1163 0.017 11.75
Sh 1-89 tex2html_wrap_inline1196 400 tex2html_wrap_inline1198 110 8.81 8.62 2.76 1941 0.235
Sh 2-71(c) 250 tex2html_wrap_inline1198 300 26.37 37.2 11.0 997 0.047 11.63
N650-1 300 86.14 81.31 739 0.022 10.87
N6302* > 250 210 525 * 10.55
N6543(c) 30 tex2html_wrap_inline1198 25 902.60 104.35 1952.70 982 9.63
N6543(h) 340 24.0 5.3 41.1 982 0.079 11.15
N6720 260 327 290 - 872 0.02 10.01
Table 2: Measured parameters of observed PN

Fluxes are given in tex2html_wrap_inline1214. (*) To evaluate PN ionized mass in tex2html_wrap_inline1216, multiply these figures by the corresponding values of filling factor tex2html_wrap_inline1218 and electron density. Distances are in parsecs from CKS92. * See text.  

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