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3. Results

3.1. Circular aperture photometry

A growth curve is first derived for each object by integrating the counts in concentric circular rings of increasing diameter, centered at the coordinates given in Table 1 (click here). The obtained H band growth curves, transformed from counts to magnitudes, are compared with the multiaperture photometry available from the literature, in order to check our photometric calibration.
Figures 3 (click here)a-c give the H band growth curves of NGC 2366, NGC 2403 and NGC 4236 respectively. These measurement were obtained after subtracting all stars in the fields. The maximum diameters shown are set by the limiting surface brightness given in Table 2 (click here). The aperture photometry of AA80 is also shown in the figures (open stars).

Figure 3: H band growth curves of NGC 2366 a), NGC 2403 b), NGC 4236 c). (Filled squares = this work; open stars = AA80 reference aperture photometry - see text)

For NGC 2366, our and the reference photometric points are in satisfactory agreement.
For NGC 2403 the agreement between our measurement and the reference ones is satisfactory within an aperture of 200 arcsec. At larger diameters our growth curve is fainter than that of AA80 by 0.3 mag. AA80 photometry is obtained after removal of the 2 bright stars near the nucleus, while our is obtained with subtraction of all stars. The discrepancy reduces to tex2html_wrap_inline1015 0.1 mag if we use similar star removal criteria.
For NGC 4236 the discrepancy with the reference photometry is tex2html_wrap_inline1015 0.35 mag (only 0.1 mag due to star removal).
Since the tex2html_wrap_inline951 measurements, which cannot be compared with previous photometry, were done in close sequence with the H ones, we assume that they are as well calibrated.
A comparison between the extrapolated magnitudes adopted by AA80 and the results of the present work are summarized in Table 3 (click here). At a-0.5 adopted by AA80 (Col. 2), H-0.5 as given by AA80 is listed in Col. 3 together with the value derived in this work (Col. 4). Column 5 lists tex2html_wrap_inline1131.


Table 3: Photometric parameters derived by AA80 and in this work using circular apertures

3.2. Elliptically extracted profiles

Using the star-subtracted frames, the surface brightness profiles are determined by averaging the brightness distribution in concentric elliptical annuli of fixed center, position angle and ellipticity. The position angle and ellipticity of the ellipse were determined from the H band tex2html_wrap_inline1015 21 mag arcsec-2  isophotes of the galaxy under study. For NGC 2366 and NGC 2403 the latter quantity corresponds to the one determined optically. For NGC 4236 we adopt the optical ellipticity.
For several reasons we prefer this rather simple procedure to the more sophisticated ones in which the parameters of the fitted ellipses are not kept constant because: i) for spiral-Irr galaxies isodensity contours cannot be fitted with ellipses (see also de Jong & van der Kruit 1994); ii) an accurate error analysis requires keeping track of parameters such as the area of the ellipse, which is not done by the more sophisticated tools available in IRAF.
Starting from an inner ellipse of size comparable with the seeing disk, we draw a set of annuli, increasing the major axis by fixed amounts. In each ring we compute the total number of counts and the total number of pixels. The statistical uncertainties on the net counts in each annulus are computed as in Gavazzi et al. (1994).


Table 4: Differential and integrated magnitudes derived along elliptical annuli



Table 4: continued



Table 4: continued

The photometric parameters determined along elliptical rings are summarized in Table 4 (click here), as follows:
Column 1: NGC name;
Column 2: Position Angle of the galaxy major axis (measured Eastwards from North) used to derive the surface brightness profiles;
Column 3: ellipticity (1-b/a) of the rings used to derive the surface brightness profiles;
Column 4: projected distance in arcsec along the major axis, truncated at the radius corresponding to a surface brightness equivalent to 1 tex2html_wrap_inline1145 of the sky;
Columns 5-6: H band surface brightness and integrated magnitude;
Columns 7-8: tex2html_wrap_inline951 band surface brightness and integrated magnitude.
These magnitudes are measured quantities and are not corrected to the face-on value.

Figure 4 (click here) gives the differential H and tex2html_wrap_inline951 profiles in mag arcsec-2, obtained by azimuthal integration along elliptical annuli and the differential tex2html_wrap_inline1157 color profile. The horizontal scale of panels B and C gives the projected distance in arcsec as measured from the galaxy center along the major axis of the ellipse. The profiles are truncated at the limiting surface brightness of Table 2 (click here). The wiggles bteween 70 and 120 arcsec in the profiles of NGC 2366 are due to HII regions. The tex2html_wrap_inline1157 color index for the three galaxies is in agreement with tex2html_wrap_inline1161 found by Boselli et al. (1997) for Virgo galaxies.

Columns 6 and 7 of Table 3 (click here) list the H and tex2html_wrap_inline951 band asymptotic magnitudes, with their uncertainties (including the zero point and the error introduced by the extrapolation to infinity). An exponential disk was fit to the radial surface brightness profile in the intermediate radial range, where the profile shows an exponential shape. The total magnitude was computed by integrating the counts along elliptical annuli up to the last useful radius (see Cols. 5 and 7 of Table 4 (click here)) and by adding the the contribution derived from the exponential fit from this radius to infinity.

Figure 4: Light profiles of NGC 2366 a), NGC 2403 b), NGC 4236 c). (Filled squares =K' data; crosses =H data)


We thank the MAGIC team at MPI für Astronomie for their skilful operational support and for several helpful discussions about data reduction. A.B. is supported by a stipendium from the Deutsche Argentur für Raumfartengelegenheiten (DARA), GmbH, Bonn, Germany, (grant # 50-OR-95018).

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