A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 125, October I 1997, 195-205
Received December 13, 1996; accepted January 2, 1997
W.J. Chaplin, Y. Elsworth, R. Howe, G.R. Isaak, C.P. McLeod, B.A. Miller, - R. New
Send offprint request: W.J. Chaplin
School of Physics and Space Research,
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT, UK
Now at: Queen Mary & Westfield College,
University of London, Mile End Road, London,
London E1 4NS, UK
School of Science & Mathematics,
Sheffield Hallam University,
Sheffield S1 1WB, UK
The Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) consists of 6 solar observatories dedicated to the collection of full-disc solar Doppler velocity data - these data are sensitive to the lowest spatial degrees of oscillation (). In Paper I of this series, we described the calibration of raw data from the BiSON instruments to produce solar velocity residuals representing the oscillations of the Sun's surface. In this paper, we discuss the combination of velocity residuals into time series - including a thorough discussion of the treatment of data overlaps between sites - and the analysis of the power spectra computed from such time series to derive the characteristics of the acoustic modes.
keywords: Sun: oscillations -- methods: data analysis