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2. Instrumentation and data quality

2.1. Filter systems

Our new observations were obtained with three different automatic photoelectric telescopes (APT) in the years 1991-96: the 0.75-m Fairborn APT on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona, U.S.A. equipped with tex2html_wrap_inline3957 filters matching the Johnson-Cousins system, the 0.25-m Phoenix APT also on Mt. Hopkins but equipped with Johnson UBV, and the 0.8-m Catania APT on Mt. Etna in Sicily, Italy with UBV filters for the Johnson system.

All measurements were made differentially with respect to a nearby comparison star. Table 2 (click here) identifies the comparison stars and the check stars and also gives the total number of obtained mean differential V magnitudes per star and per telescope (tex2html_wrap_inline4047 for the Fairborn APT, tex2html_wrap_inline4049 for the Phoenix-10, and tex2html_wrap_inline4051 for the Catania APT). Both APTs on Mt. Hopkins observed each program star differentially with respect to a comparison star and a check star in the following sequence: tex2html_wrap_inline4175, where N is a bright navigation star, CK is the check star, C the comparison star, S the sky background usually between the comparison and the variable star, and V the variable itself. One entry for n in Table 2 (click here) thus compromises at least three individual tex2html_wrap_inline4179 readings.

In order to eliminate the datapoints grossly in error we applied a statistical procedure that eliminated all data with an internal standard deviation greater than tex2html_wrap_inline4181 as well as data that deviated from the rest by at least tex2html_wrap_inline4183 (see, e.g., Hall et al. 1986). While the 0.02-mag filtering excluded between tex2html_wrap_inline4185 of the whole data for a particular star the number of mean magnitudes excluded by the 3-tex2html_wrap_inline4045 procedure was usually just a few datapoints. We note that, before eliminating the bad points, the whole data set was phased with the most likely photometric period and then examined for possible eclipses and flares.

The relative telescope zeropoints in the V bandpass have been determined from the seasonal averages of the check-minus-comp magnitudes of several groups that were on all three APTs simultaneously and agree within their formal uncertainties of around 0.01 mag.

2.2. The T7 APT on Mt. Hopkins

The 0.75-m T7 APT was put into routine operation on JD 2 449 022 in 1993. During the first year of operation it had alignment problems with the optics that led to a reduced data precision. Altogether four problems (A-D) occured and their duration and influence on the data is identified in Table 3 (click here). Three of the four problems were caused by a filter-wheel malfunction that produced VVV photometry instead of tex2html_wrap_inline3957gif.


Time Influenc e Cause
2449+ on data
A 144-164 No R and I data Filter wheel stuck at V
B 235-246 No R and I data Filter wheel stuck at V
C 312-322 No R and I data Filter wheel stuck at V
D 600-850 tex2html_wrap_inline4149 increased Telescope out of focus
Table 3: Problems encountered with the T7 APT

After the obviously deviant R and I data had been eliminated we computed external uncertainties tex2html_wrap_inline4149 for all check-minus-comparison magnitudes. Such uncertainties allow a quick look at the data quality expected for the variable-minus-comp data from the T7 APT. In 1993, its mean external standard deviation of a "nightly mean'' from a yearly mean was tex2html_wrap_inline4203, tex2html_wrap_inline4203, and tex2html_wrap_inline4207 mag in V, R, and I, respectively. In the second year the telescope was continuously out of focus and the annual mean external standard deviation was still tex2html_wrap_inline4215, tex2html_wrap_inline4217, and tex2html_wrap_inline4219 mag for the three bandpasses. This has been fixed in early 1995 and the nightly mean external standard deviations decreased then to tex2html_wrap_inline4221, tex2html_wrap_inline4217, and tex2html_wrap_inline4217 mag in V, R, and I, respectively. By early 1996 the telescope has been continuously watched and the external uncertainties dropped to 0.006 in V and below 0.010 in R and I. Integration time was usually set to 10 s except for V410 Tau where 20 s were used.

2.3. The Phoenix APT on Mt. Hopkins

The Phoenix-10 APT is already in routine operation since 1983 and is managed by Mike Seeds as a multi-user telescope (see Phoenix-10 Newsletter and Seeds 1995). Strassmeier & Hall (1988a) examined the data quality of the Phoenix-10 APT from its first four years of operation and found external uncertainties of tex2html_wrap_inline4239, tex2html_wrap_inline4241, and tex2html_wrap_inline4243 mag in V, B, and U, respectively. Integration time was set to 10 s for all targets. Recently, Henry (1995) compared the long-term external precision of the Phoenix-10 APT with APTs of larger aperture (the Vanderbilt/Tennessee State 0.4 m and the Tennessee State 0.8 m) and verified the telescope's long-term stability.

2.4. The Catania APT on Mt. Etna

First Catania-APT data came from the fourth quarter in 1992. Its standard group observing sequence was set to tex2html_wrap_inline4251, with the same meaning for the symbols as above. The sky background is measured at a fixed position near each star. Each magnitude on the variable star consists of six readings, compared to four with the other APTs. Integration time in U, B, and V was set to 15, 10, and 10 s, respectively. The typical standard deviations of the averaged tex2html_wrap_inline4179 and tex2html_wrap_inline4261 magnitudes for stars brighter than tex2html_wrap_inline4263 mag are of the order of 0.015, 0.010, and 0.007 mag for U, B, and V, respectively. The accuracy of the standard V magnitude is 0.01 mag, for U-B about 0.02 mag, and for B-V about 0.01 mag.

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