A&A Supplement Ser., Vol. 124, August 1997, 307-313
Received August 27; accepted November 22, 1996
G.E. Romero - P. Benaglia - J.A. Combi
Send offprint request: G.E. Romero
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomıa, C.C.5,
(1894) Villa Elisa, Bs. As., Argentina
Now at: Instituto Astronômico e Geofısico, USP, Av. M. Stefano 4200,
CEP 04301-904, São Paulo SP, Brazil
Results of variability observations of the southern extragalactic radio sources PKS 1610-771, PKS 1830-211 and the inner region of Centaurus A (Cen A) at 1.42 GHz are presented. Different light curves with temporal resolutions of minutes, 1 day and 1 month were obtained for each source. Significant variability was detected in PKS 1610-771 and Cen A. The implications of these results are discussed.
keywords: galaxies: active -- radio continuum: galaxies -- galaxies: NGC 5128 -- quasars: PKS 1610-771; PKS 1830-211