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A&A Supplement series, Vol. 123, June II 1997, 445-447

Received September 6; accepted October 9, 1996

On the possible variability of metallic-line and Mercury-Manganese stars

S.J. Adelman

Send offprint request: S.J. Adelman
Department of Physics, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie Street, Charleston, SC 29409, U.S.A.


Differential Strömgren uvby photometric observations from the 0.75-m Four College Automated Photoelectric Telescope were obtained for three metallic-line and three Mercury-Manganese stars. None were found to be variable. These sharp-lined stars may not be the best tests for class variability as their polar axes are pointed towards the earth. Each presents essentially the same visible hemisphere as it rotates.

keywords: stars: chemically peculiar

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)