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4. Results

In Tables 2 (click here)-20 (click here), we present theoretical yields tex2html_wrap_inline3537 for AGB stars in the mass range 0.8-8 tex2html_wrap_inline3541 in case of the standard model (tex2html_wrap_inline3543, tex2html_wrap_inline3545 tex2html_wrap_inline3547, tex2html_wrap_inline3549, and tex2html_wrap_inline3551 tex2html_wrap_inline3553) including first, second, and third dredge-up as well as HBB. We distinguish pre-AGB, AGB, final AGB, and total element yields at initial metallicities Z = 0.001, 0.004, 0.008, 0.02, and 0.04. Pre-AGB yields are the yields up to the end of the E-AGB. AGB yields are the yields on the TP-AGB except for the last tex2html_wrap_inline3557 yr. The final AGB yields are the yields on the TP-AGB integrated over the last tex2html_wrap_inline3559 yr. This distinction is made to compare with the abundances in PNe (note that final AGB yields have been omitted if the AGB lifetime is much smaller than tex2html_wrap_inline3561 yr). In several cases, tex2html_wrap_inline3563 stars have final AGB yields that are negligible (because such massive stars do not always go through the PN stage). For such stars, the final AGB yields were omitted in Table 4.

Pre-AGB evolution is based on the Geneva group (e.g. Schaller et al. 1992). These uniform grids of stellar models are based on up-to-date physical input (e.g. opacities, nuclear reaction rates, mixing schemes, etc.) and cover the relevant initial stellar mass range from 0.8 to 8 tex2html_wrap_inline3565 as well as initial metallicity from Z = 0.001-0.04. For stars with tex2html_wrap_inline3571 tex2html_wrap_inline3573 these tracks have been computed up to the He flash, for 2 < m <5 tex2html_wrap_inline3577 up to the E-AGB, and for m > 7 tex2html_wrap_inline3581 until the end of central C-burning. Recently, Charbonnel et al. (1996) presented new grids of models covering the evolution (from the zero age main sequence up to the end of the E-AGB) of low mass stars with initial masses between 0.8 and 1.7 tex2html_wrap_inline3583 born with metallicities Z = 0.02 and 0.001. We note that these stars were not evolved through the helium core flash but instead were evolved from constructed zero-age horizontal branch models (see Charbonnel et al. 1996).

For stars with initial mass above 1.25 tex2html_wrap_inline3587, the Geneva tracks used are with overshooting and standard mass loss rates (see e.g.\ Schaller et al.). For stars below 1.25 tex2html_wrap_inline3589, the tracks used are without overshooting (for m = 1.25 tex2html_wrap_inline3593 we include yields both for tracks with and without overshooting). The two tex2html_wrap_inline3595 lines in the tables refer to the tex2html_wrap_inline3597 models both for tracks with (lower table lines) and without (upper lines) overshooting. Perhaps the tracks with overshooting are preferred (see Schaller et al. 1992).

We neglect the fact that the Geneva tracks for stars with tex2html_wrap_inline3599 tex2html_wrap_inline3601 and Z = 0.004, 0.008, and 0.04 end at the helium flash and do not extent to the end of the E-AGB. However, these low mass stars do not experience the second dredge-up and are expected not to loose much mass on the horizontal branch and E-AGB, so that the influence on the yields is negligible (see Sect. 4.4). The tex2html_wrap_inline3605 star yields are not included in the total yields tables because for such low-mass stars the final AGB (PN-phase) yields are relatively uncertain. It would be okay to sum up the pre-AGB and AGB yields for these stars and use this as the total yield.

In Tables 2 (click here)-20 (click here), we list subsequently the initial mass tex2html_wrap_inline3607, element yields tex2html_wrap_inline3609 of H, tex2html_wrap_inline3611He, tex2html_wrap_inline3613C, tex2html_wrap_inline3615C, tex2html_wrap_inline3617N, tex2html_wrap_inline3619O, integrated CNO-yield tex2html_wrap_inline3621, total element integrated yield tex2html_wrap_inline3623 (elements heavier than helium), the total amount of mass returned tex2html_wrap_inline3625, and the stellar mass tex2html_wrap_inline3627 at the end of each phase.

We consider resulting stellar yields for various choices of the Reimers mass loss coefficient tex2html_wrap_inline3629 1-5, third dredge-up efficiency tex2html_wrap_inline3633, critical core mass for dredge up tex2html_wrap_inline3635 tex2html_wrap_inline3637, and minimum core mass for HBB tex2html_wrap_inline3639 = 0.8 and 0.9 tex2html_wrap_inline3641 (see Sect. 3). We examine the impact of these quantities as well as of the adopted pre-AGB evolution model on the predicted yields.

4.1. Dependence on mass loss

Figure 1 (click here) shows resulting AGB yields for various values of the Reimers mass-loss parameter tex2html_wrap_inline3643. The other parameters are as for the standard model (unless stated otherwise). Low mass AGB stars (tex2html_wrap_inline3645 4 tex2html_wrap_inline3647) predominantly contribute to helium and carbon. High mass AGB stars are important contributors to helium and nitrogen (see below). For the standard model, element yields are smaller by factors typically 2-3 compared to the tex2html_wrap_inline3651 case. Resulting yields increase with decreasing values of tex2html_wrap_inline3653 (i.e. smaller mass-loss rates) as a lower value of tex2html_wrap_inline3655 results in longer AGB lifetimes and therefore more thermal pulses (assuming that the amount of dredged-up matter during a thermal pulse is roughly constant). For large values of tex2html_wrap_inline3657, the effect of increasing tex2html_wrap_inline3659 on both the AGB lifetimes and number of thermal pulses becomes negligible and the predicted yields remain approximately constant.

4.2. Dependence on initial metallicity

In general, carbon and oxygen yields increase with decreasing initial metallicity Z (cf. Fig. 1 (click here)). This is due to the fact that dredge-up with subsequent CNO-burning affects more strongly the composition of envelopes with relatively low initial abundances (see e.g. RV). In addition, the core mass at the first thermal pulse is larger at low metallicities (GJ). Therefore, the amount of material dredged-up from the core to the envelope is substantially larger in initially low-Z AGB stars. In contrast, nitrogen yields slightly increase with metallicity as nitrogen is formed during CNO-burning by consumption of C and O. For hydrogen and helium, the sensitivity of the yields to initial metallicity are mainly due to the effect of dredge-up, i.e. post dredge-up processing of H and He is usually low. Note that even small changes in the yields of AGB stars due to variations in initial metallicity can significantly affect the enrichment of the ISM (after weighing by the initial mass function and star formation rate at the time these stars were formed).

We like to emphasize that AGB yields of intermediate mass stars are strongly dependent on the abundances of distinct elements (e.g. C, N, and O) in the galactic ISM from which these stars are formed. In other words, stars with initial element abundances substantially different from those listed in Table 1 (click here) have AGB yields distinct from the yields given in Tables 2 (click here)-20 (click here). We will return to this important point below when model predictions are confronted with abundances observed in PNe in the Galactic disk.

Figure 1: Stellar yields of H, tex2html_wrap_inline3665He, tex2html_wrap_inline3667C, tex2html_wrap_inline3669N, tex2html_wrap_inline3671O, and total CNO vs. initial stellar mass for tex2html_wrap_inline3673 = 1 - 5 and initial compositions (Z, Y) = (0.02, 0.32; solid line) and (0.001, 0.24; dotted). Parameters values are further as for the standard model (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3681 = 4)

4.3. Dependence on the amount of HBB

As discussed before, HBB may prevent or slow down the formation of carbon stars by the possible destruction of newly dredged up carbon at the base of the convective envelope. Figure 2 (click here) illustrates that for low mass AGB stars (m < 4 tex2html_wrap_inline3687), the effect of HBB is negligible due to the low temperature at the bottom of their envelopes (GJ). For high mass AGB stars, the effect of HBB depends on the amount of matter exposed to the high temperatures at the bottom of their envelopes, the net result being the conversion of carbon and oxygen to nitrogen. Yields of H, He, and total CNO are not affected by HBB since basically two reaction chains of the CNO-cycle are involved, i.e. the CN and ON-cycle.

We compare in Fig. 2 (click here) the resulting yields in case tex2html_wrap_inline3689 = 0.9 (figure labelled HBB) and 1.3 tex2html_wrap_inline3691 (no HBB), respectively. A choice of tex2html_wrap_inline3693 1.3 tex2html_wrap_inline3695 or larger results in no HBB as none of the AGB stars in our model reach such high core masses. In case of HBB, the strong decrease of the carbon and strong increase in the nitrogen yield can be seen at masses at tex2html_wrap_inline3697 tex2html_wrap_inline3699. In the no HBB case, the stellar yields of carbon are seen to dominate the total CNO-yields over the entire mass range.

The effect of changing tex2html_wrap_inline3701 from 0.8 to 0.9 tex2html_wrap_inline3703 is that HBB operates in stars of initial mass tex2html_wrap_inline3705 tex2html_wrap_inline3707 instead of tex2html_wrap_inline3709 tex2html_wrap_inline3711. Since tex2html_wrap_inline3713 = 0.9 tex2html_wrap_inline3715 provides a reasonable upper limit to the minimum stellar mass experiencing HBB, we have included in Tables 21 (click here)-30 (click here) tex2html_wrap_inline3717C, tex2html_wrap_inline3719C, tex2html_wrap_inline3721N, and tex2html_wrap_inline3723O yields for stars more massive than 4 tex2html_wrap_inline3725 in case of the standard model with tex2html_wrap_inline3727 = 0.9 tex2html_wrap_inline3729 (pre-AGB are as given at the corresponding metallicities in Tables 2 (click here)-20 (click here)). These yields include the minimum effect of HBB as inferred from the observations and are somewhat smaller than those given by the standard model (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3731 = 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline3733).

As discussed earlier, the default choice of tex2html_wrap_inline3735 = 0.8 tex2html_wrap_inline3737 is based on our implementation of the RV tex2html_wrap_inline3739 = 2 model but appears consistent with recent observations of HBB in AGB stars both in the SMC and LMC as well as recent model calculations on massive AGB stars. In any case, HBB is required to explain observations. More observations are needed to investigate any dependence of HBB on metallicity.

Figure 2: Stellar yields of H, tex2html_wrap_inline3741He, tex2html_wrap_inline3743C, tex2html_wrap_inline3745N, tex2html_wrap_inline3747O, and total CNO vs. initial stellar mass for the standard model: effect of varying 1) the amount of HBB (first two columns), 2) the dredge-up efficiency (center columns), and 3) the critical core mass for dredge-up (last two columns)

4.4. Dependence on third dredge up efficiency

We consider in Fig. 2 (click here) AGB yields for third dredge-up efficiencies tex2html_wrap_inline3751 and 0.9 (i.e. the range allowed for by the observations; GJ). Stellar yields increase substantially when tex2html_wrap_inline3753 is increased, i.e. enhancing the amount of carbon and helium that is dredged-up and added to the stellar envelope after each thermal pulse. In addition, the composition of dredged-up material may be strongly affected by HBB, in particular for high mass stars. In other words, increasing tex2html_wrap_inline3755 leads to an increase in the carbon yields for low mass stars and to an increase in nitrogen for high mass stars. Furthermore, helium yields increase for all stars with initial masses above tex2html_wrap_inline3757 tex2html_wrap_inline3759 which corresponds to the limit of tex2html_wrap_inline3761 tex2html_wrap_inline3763.

4.5. Dependence on critical core mass for dredge up

Yields for extreme values of the minimal core mass for third dredge-up tex2html_wrap_inline3765 and 0.60 tex2html_wrap_inline3767, respectively, are shown in last two columns of Fig. 2 (click here). The effects of varying tex2html_wrap_inline3769 are limited to relatively low mass AGB stars (tex2html_wrap_inline3771 2 tex2html_wrap_inline3773). A larger value of tex2html_wrap_inline3775 implies a higher initial mass for stars that can turn into carbon stars. This results in negative carbon yields (corresponding to the depletion of carbon during first dredge-up) over a larger range in initial mass (helium yields decrease over this mass range as well). A value of tex2html_wrap_inline3777 as small as tex2html_wrap_inline3779 tex2html_wrap_inline3781 would imply that all AGB stars end as carbon stars while tex2html_wrap_inline3783 0.61 tex2html_wrap_inline3785 would inhibit carbon star formation. Clearly, the third dredge-up and the precise values of tex2html_wrap_inline3787 and tex2html_wrap_inline3789 are of crucial importance for the formation of carbon stars. We like to emphasize that the parameter value ranges consistent with the observations are rather narrow and are mutually correlated (e.g. in case of tex2html_wrap_inline3791 and tex2html_wrap_inline3793).

4.6. Dependence on pre-AGB evolution

In GJ and GHJ the description of the pre-thermal pulsing AGB evolution was taken from recipes in the literature or fits made to published results. An alternative approach is to directly use stellar evolution tracks, as is done in this study (see above).

In Fig. 3 (click here), we compare for Z = 0.02 and 0.001 the resulting AGB yields in the case of pre-AGB evolution according to the evolution tracks described above with those computed following the recipes from GJ/GHJ. In both cases, the initial stellar composition has been adopted from the Geneva group to comply with the stellar evolution tracks prior to the AGB.

Figure 3: Stellar yields including HBB vs. initial stellar mass of H, tex2html_wrap_inline3797He, tex2html_wrap_inline3799C, tex2html_wrap_inline3801N, tex2html_wrap_inline3803O, and total CNO in case of the standard model for different treatments of pre-AGB evolution (left and center panels) and initial metallicities Z = 0.02 (solid line) and 0.004 (dotted line; yields for Z = 0.001 are similar). The yields presented by RV (their case tex2html_wrap_inline3809) at initial compositions tex2html_wrap_inline3811 = (0.02, 0.32; solid lines) and (0.004, 0.24; dotted) are shown for comparison (hydrogen yields are not given explicitly by RV)

Differences between the two sets of yields are found to be very small except for hydrogen and helium where the GJ/GHJ approach predicts higher yields for massive stars. This is traced back to differences in the treatment of the second dredge-up process. We list in Table 31 (click here) the corresponding total AGB yields of H and He for the synthetic GJ/GHJ model (initial metallicities as before). These modified yields can be used when the effect of 2nd dredge up is expected to be more pronounced than that given by the Geneva group (see below). The larger yields also imply higher helium abundances which has interesting consequences for the predicted helium abundances in planetary nebulae (see Sect. 5).

We find that pre-AGB evolution for stars born with metallicity Z = 0.02 is in general unimportant for the total yields of AGB stars, except in case of helium and hydrogen. This confirms our earlier statement that the thermal pulsing AGB is the most important phase in determining the yields of intermediate mass stars (even though initial stellar abundances, effects of overshooting, mixing, and pre-AGB evolution can play a significant role).

4.7. Conclusion

We conclude that the resulting AGB yields are most sensitive to the mass loss parameter tex2html_wrap_inline3817, the effect of HBB, and the initial stellar abundances. Variations in the remaining model parameters result in stellar yields not substantially different from those predicted by the standard model with tex2html_wrap_inline3819, tex2html_wrap_inline3821 tex2html_wrap_inline3823, tex2html_wrap_inline3825, and tex2html_wrap_inline3827 tex2html_wrap_inline3829. Stellar yields for model parameters distinct from that used for the standard model (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline3831, HBB, or initial abundances) are available upon request. We like to emphasize that small differences in the predicted AGB yields may be important when integrating over the initial mass function in galactic chemical evolution models.

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