Up: A consolidated catalogue
The catalogue from Renson et al. (1990) lists 101 candidate
stars. On the grounds of recent publications we could identify 37
stars as misclassified, 26 of them had already an uncertain or
misclassification as
Bootis stars in Renson et al. (1990).
In addition, the following entries were classified
Bootis stars by Abt (1984a,b), Hauck (1986),
and Levato et al. (1994),
but were not included in our catalogue for the following reasons:
Bootis character in the ultraviolet (Baschek et al. 1984;
Faraggiana et al. 1990):
HD22470, HD34787, HD39283, HD79469, HD80081,
HD169022, HD187949, HD188728, HD212061,
New classification as non-
Bootis stars
- by Gray & Garrison (1987, 1989b):
HD16811, HD16955, HD21335, HD56405, HD98353,
HD123299, HD161868, HD172167, HD210418,
HD220061, HD220278
- by other authors:
HD11905: B8HgMn (Ptitsyn & Ryabchikova 1986)
HD24712: roAp (Kurtz et al. 1989)
HD78316: B8HgMn (Adelman 1992)
HD78661: F2V (Cowley & Bidelman 1979)
HD89353: post-AGB star (van Winckel et al. 1995)
HD97411: B9V (Edwards 1976)
HD97937: evolved star (Gray 1989)
HD128167: F2V (Gerbaldi et al. 1995)
HD130158: evolved star (Gray 1988)
HD154153: evolved star (Gray 1989)
HD204965: Geneva and Strömgren photometry
indicate that this star is a FHB or Giant star
HD222303: cool star (b-y = 0.414,
= 0.064 and
= 1.117)
- by the present survey:
HD6173: A0IIIn
HD37886: B8III
HD79108: A0Van
HD81104: A3IV.
Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)