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A&A Supplement series, Vol. 122, May I 1997, 471-481

Received April 11; accepted July 23, 1996

The optical gravitational lensing experiment. Variable stars in globular clusters

II. Fields 5139D-F in tex2html_wrap_inline1235 Centaurigif

J. Kaluznytex2html_wrap1267 - M. Kubiaktex2html_wrap1269 - M. Szymanskitex2html_wrap1271 - A. Udalskitex2html_wrap1273 - W. Krzeminskitex2html_wrap1275 - M. Mateotex2html_wrap1277 - K. Stanektex2html_wrap1279

Send offprint request: J. Kaluzny

tex2html_wrap1281  Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie  4, 00-478 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: (jka,mk,msz,udalski)
tex2html_wrap1283  Carnegie Observatories, Las Campanas Observatory, Casilla 601, La Serena, Chile
tex2html_wrap1285  Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, 821 Dennison Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1090, U.S.A.
tex2html_wrap1287  Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton NJ 08544, U.S.A.


Three fields located close to the center of the globular cluster tex2html_wrap_inline1239 Cen were surveyed in a search for variable stars. We present V-band light curves for 32 periodic variables. This sample includes 10 SX Phe stars, 19 eclipsing binaries, and three likely spotted variables (FK Com or RS CVn type stars). Only 5 of these variables were previously known (including two objects reported in Paper I). All SX Phe stars and 8 eclipsing binaries from our sample belong to blue stragglers. Five binaries occupy positions on the upper main-sequence of the cluster and another four are located at the base of the subgiant branch. Of particular interest is detection of a detached binary system with a period P=4.64 day. Further study of this star can provide direct information about properties of turnoff stars in tex2html_wrap_inline1245 Cen. All SX Phe stars and most of eclipsing binaries discovered in our survey are likely cluster members. We present V vs. V-I color-magnitude diagrams for the monitored fields. A populous group of likely hot subdwarfs as well as numerous candidates for blue stragglers can be noted in these diagrams. Our data indicate that tex2html_wrap_inline1251 Cen possesses the largest number of blue stragglers among all galactic globulars.

keywords: globular clusters: individual: tex2html_wrap_inline1253 Cen -- star: variables: other -- blue stragglers -- binaries: eclipsing -- HR diagram

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