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3. Hydrodynamic simulations

We have computed the time evolution of a static loop model with the new code. The loop is stable for very long times (several thousands of seconds): the initial configuration of the atmosphere does not change significantly when we let it relax maintaining only the steady heating. The solutions are still stable if we perturb the initial temperature and density profiles, for example giving small amplitude isobaric perturbations as those in Peres et al. (1982). Plasma velocities (tex2html_wrap_inline1251 km/s) are always negligible compared to the local sound speed everywhere in the loop, and decrease in time in all the relaxation tests we have performed. We typically use relaxed atmospheres as initial configurations for any further investigation of the plasma evolution.

As a second representative test we report the results of a simulation of a flare in an active region loop and compare them to the results obtained with the previous PH code. We have chosen the model of the well-studied flare observed by SMM on the sun on November 12 1980 at 17:00 UT (Peres et al. 1987) obtained by using the previous PH code, with a satisfactory fitting of the XRP/SMM observations. The transient heating in Eq. (7) has been placed at the top of the loop with a Gaussian spatial distribution,

where tex2html_wrap_inline1253 cm, tex2html_wrap_inline1255 cm; it is constant for the first 180 seconds and then decays exponentially with an e-folding time of 60 seconds; tex2html_wrap_inline1257 is 10 erg tex2html_wrap_inline1259 tex2html_wrap_inline1261 while the steady heating term is uniform in the corona, with tex2html_wrap_inline1263 erg cmtex2html_wrap_inline1265 stex2html_wrap_inline1267. The half-length of the loop is tex2html_wrap_inline1269 cm, and the pressure at the base of the transition region is initially tex2html_wrap_inline1271 dyne tex2html_wrap_inline1273.

A first important point to check is how the more accurate numerical computation of temperature and density gradients in the transition region improves the results. It appears that we have overcome one of the difficulties which plagued the computation of hydrodynamics of flaring plasmas as discussed in the introduction.

Figure 2: Comparison between the evolution of the plasma temperature and density during a typical flare, computed with the new code, and that obtained with the previous code. The parameters of the simulation are reported in the text; the initial configuration of the atmosphere (tex2html_wrap_inline1275) is the one shown in Fig. 1 (click here). We have joined by short-dashed lines the points calculated with the previous code to guide the eye. The curves are taken every 5 seconds for a total time of 30 seconds. The transition region, both in the temperature and density profiles, moves from right toward the left after the beginning of the impulsive heating

Figure 2 (click here) shows the hydrodynamical results obtained with the new PH code along with the corresponding results from the previous code (dashed lines); the initial conditions are the same as in Fig. 1 (click here). We show results focusing on the transition region, because this is the part of the loop atmosphere where the new code is apt to probe the behavior of the plasma in a way inaccessible to the previous PH code. The parameters of the simulations are identical apart from the numerical grid. The time profiles of temperature and density sample the first 30 seconds of the flare evolution. The total number of grid points is also approximatively the same: the simulations of Peres et al. (1987) were done on a fixed grid with 256 logarithmically spaced points; now the number of points is typically around 275, and in this case varies from a minimum of 242 (at 10 s) to a maximum of 343 (at 5 s) along the whole loop.

Figure 3: Displacement of the transition region during the flare evolution. We have plotted vs. time the spatial coordinate of the point at tex2html_wrap_inline1277 K. The results obtained with the new code (solid line) are compared with the previous ones (dashed line)

Snapshots taken at the same times are different, and now with a significantly higher resolution, the computed gradients are also steeper. The plasma condensation, which typically forms in the chromosphere after a few seconds since the impulsive heating is turned on (tex2html_wrap_inline1279 s for this flare), is now resolved much better and the density maximum is higher. The transition region of the flaring atmosphere, at any time after 10 s, is located lower than predicted with the previous code. These results show, once again, the improvement produced by the adaptive grid, since under-resolving the transition region results in an underestimation of the speed with which chromospheric evaporation occurs. The proper resolution therefore produces significantly more accurate results for the diagnostics of UV lines formed in the transition region and for the plasma dynamics during the chromospheric evaporation.

Another large difference with the old results is that we no longer find oscillations of the position of the transition region. This aspect is shown in Fig. 3 (click here) where the displacement along the loop of the volume element corresponding to a temperature tex2html_wrap_inline1281 K is plotted, both for runs using the old and new version of the code.

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