A&A Supplement series, Vol. 122, May I 1997, 495-505
Received August 12; accepted August 21, 1996
U. Munari - T. Zwitter - A. Bragaglia
Send offprint request: U. Munari
Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Sede di Asiago, I-36032 Asiago (VI),
. e-mail: munari@astras.pd.astro.it
University of Ljubljana, Department of Physics,
Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana,
. e-mail: tomaz.zwitter@uni-lj.si
Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Zamboni 33, Bologna, Italy
. e-mail angela@astbo3.bo.astro.it
CCD fluxed spectra are presented for 27 objects from the Downes & Shara (1993) catalogue of Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). The stars have been selected among those listed as lacking published spectra. As for previous papers in this series, the aim is to check the CV status of the objects and to provide spectrophotometric data over a wide wavelength range. Integrated magnitudes, continuum fluxes at selected wavelengths and integrated fluxes of emission lines are derived for the programme stars. Among the 27 programme stars, 18 show a spectrum supporting the CV classification.
keywords: Novae: cataclysmic variables -- white dwarfs