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3. Description of the cleaning algorithm and the accuracy test

The entire data processing was done by using a PC 486/DX2. The software, written on PASCAL, was designed to process subframes centered on the stellar images and consists of two basic procedures - cleaning of close companions and instrumental magnitudes derivation.

3.1. Cleaning algorithm

To suppress stellar companions Newell (1979) has proposed a symmetry-clean procedure, which operates by comparing the intensities of all pairs of pixels diametrically opposite with respect to the image center. The author included this procedure into the centering procedure aiming to increase the speed and reliability in crowded field centering. Supposing a circular symmetry of the stellar image and taking into account the variation of the grain noise over its profile (Lee & van Altena 1983) we have developed another mechanism to clean close companions. First, the image was divided into a few contiguous annular regions with a width of about one pixel. The last few annuli should be sufficiently far from the center of the star - several times the FWHM of the image - so that its light contribution to the background determination is negligible. If the image is not damaged by close companions the density distribution within each annulus will be symmetric with coinciding values of the mode, median and mean. In the opposite case defining the mode as the most frequently occurring density value in a given annular region we stated the following principle of cleaning: any pixel value exceeding the mode with some predetermined multiple of the sample standard deviation, tex2html_wrap_inline998 (where k is a real number), was considered as ``improper'' for the annular distribution under consideration and replaced with the mode value. The pixel density histogram of the regions in question is usually not actually calculated, instead the mode of the distribution is estimated from the formula (e.g. Kendall & Stuart 1977, p. 40):

provided that the median is less than the mean. Otherwise, the mean can be taken. A comprehensive discussion of using the mode as the most representative value of a sample of density values one can find in Stetson (1987) and Da Costa (1992). Practically the scheme works as follows: first, to determine the median and mean any strongly deviant pixel density within each annulus is clipped iteratively until tex2html_wrap_inline1002 stabilizes; second, the mode of the distribution is calculated and than the outlined cleaning procedure is applied. The procedure is fully automated and does not need any investigator's interaction. Here we have to emphasize that the efficiency of the cleaning procedure depends on many factors and mainly on the number of companions and their closeness. Figures 3a and 4a illustrate the effect of applying the above described procedure in the two dimensional plane for two different cases. The frames are centered on the stars under consideration. In both cases, the original image is presented on the left but its cleaned version on the right panel. In addition, we present in Figs. 3 (click here)b and 4 (click here)b profiles of the same stars. These are not a simple image cross-section in a given direction but rather integrated profiles which include all points found within the image - it is a plot of the densities found on a given radius. The presentation of the original and cleaned profiles are the same as for the density maps.

3.2. Instrumental magnitudes and accuracy test

The image cleaned in this manner was used for magnitude index formation both through a multi-component bi-dimensional Gaussian fit (using data in photographic densities) and with a synthetic square aperture with constant size (in relative intensities). The size of the aperture is 4 pixels in each dimension. The application of a one- or bi-dimensional Gaussian fit (GF) to determine MI as well as the application of synthetic aperture (SyA) photometry are well documented in the literature (Stetson 1979; Buonanno et al. 1979; Stetson 1990 etc.) and will not be discussed here. DAOPHOT photometry was performed in a standard way and the derived magnitudes will be refereed as ``PSF magnitudes'' hereafter. To complete an unique system of instrumental magnitudes, the MIs of the same colour were averaged together and then the individual plates were transformed to the average plate using a least-squares polynomial. These fits permit the mean error of a MI on a typical plate to be estimated from the transformation residuals (Stetson 1979):

Figure 5: Mean error of the instrumental magnitudes for the two plates in the B band as defined in Sect. 3.2. The lower panels present the comparison of instrumental magnitudes determined with a synthetic apperture with constant size for isolated stars (left) and stars with close companions (right). The upper panels - the same as the lower but for magnitudes derived with bi-dimensional Gaussian fits of the stellar images. The observed trend of the errors on the right panels is the same as on the left. This fact shows that the applied cleaning procedure does not bias the cleaned image in any way

Figure 6: The same as Fig. 5 (click here) but for V magnitudes

Figure 7: Mean error of the instrumental magnitudes as an ouput from DAOPHOT for two plates in B (left) and V (right)

where n is the number of plates used but tex2html_wrap_inline1016 is the average of the transformed magnitude of the i-th star measured on n plates. Figures 5 (click here) and 6 (click here) demonstrate the mean error in the B and V bands for a Gaussian fit (upper panels) and SyA magnitudes (lower panels), respectively. The left panels show the mean error for isolated stars, and the right pannels - the same for stars in contact. We prefer to demonstrate both kind of instrumental magnitudes because their determination differs. In Fig. 7 (click here) are presented the mean error in the B (left) and V (right) bands for PSF-magnitudes (DAOPHOT output).

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