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3. Results and discussion

3.1. Polarimetry

Table 1 (click here) presents the stellar parameters for our sample. Earlier photometric and polarimetric work in the Chamaeleon region has analyzed the stellar content of both member and field stars (Whittet et al. 1987), and a search of the SIMBAD database and reading of literature has produced the notes included in Table 1 (click here). Important in the discussion of any polarimetry is the possibility of intrinsic polarization from the source. We chose to observe stars which were optically determined to be field stars, which are expected to have little or no intrinsic polarization. Three of the stars in our sample are IRAS point sources, which is probably a result of the late spectral type and bright magnitude. Recent pointed ROSAT observations (Feigelson et al. 1993; Zinnecker et al. 1996), however, have identified four new YSOs which are associated with our ``field'' stars, these are indicated in Table 1 (click here). Two of them are both IRAS point sources and X-ray sources. The polarimetry and the IR emission of these stars will probably be influenced by circumstellar material.

Figure 1 (click here) shows an IRAS 100 tex2html_wrap_inline1983 image of the Chamaeleon I cloud, with the locations of our program stars indicated.

Figure 1: Location of program stars plotted on IRAS tex2html_wrap_inline1985m map of the Cha I cloud

Measurements of optical linear polarization of starlight can be used to trace the geometry of the interstellar magnetic field component, tex2html_wrap_inline1987, in the plane of the sky. The observed polarization is produced by the differential extinction by non-spherical dust grains associated with the interstellar clouds along the line of sight. It is assumed in fact that elongated paramagnetic dust grains are aligned by the local interstellar magnetic field, via the Davis-Greenstein mechanism with their short axes parallel to the field direction. Strong evidence that extinction by dust grains is responsible for the observed polarization comes from the existence of a correlation between the degree of polarization and the amount of reddening (Spitzer 1978).

In Fig. 2 (click here) we present a plot for the Chamaeleon I cloud, with the observed polarization vectors for our program stars, superimposed onto a plot of IRAS 100 tex2html_wrap_inline1989m contours, with equatorial coordinates labeled. The magnetic field vectors would be expected to follow the polarization vectors, and they are approximately parallel to the galactic plane. The dispersion in the values of the polarization angle is very small, typically 2 degrees or less. The complete results of the polarization measurements are presented in Table 2 (click here) for our sample of stars in the five passbands.

Figure 2: Average polarization vectors for polarimetric program stars. The 100 tex2html_wrap_inline1991m contours of IRAS are also included, as are coordinate grids for equatorial coordinates and galactic plane parallel. The length of the symbol is proportional to the percentage polarization

  figure308 figure317
Figure 3: a) Least square fits to Serkowski's law for individual stars. The Serkowski polarization model was fitted with K = 1.15, and free parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1995 and tex2html_wrap_inline1997

We have adopted the parameterisation of the wavelength dependence of the linear polarization, referred to as Serkowski's model (Coyne et al. 1974),


where tex2html_wrap_inline2001 is the wavelength at which the maximum polarization, tex2html_wrap_inline2003, is observed, and tex2html_wrap_inline2005. The value of tex2html_wrap_inline2007 for our sample ranged from 0.35 to 0.9 tex2html_wrap_inline2009m and typically was found to be near tex2html_wrap_inline2011 = 0.55 tex2html_wrap_inline2013m. Larger values of tex2html_wrap_inline2015 are expected in direction of dense clouds, indicating an increase in the mean grain size. A discussion of the theoretical arguments behind the Serkowski polarization model may be found in Spitzer (1978).

For selected stars we have fitted the percentage polarization with a Serkowski polarization model to derive values of tex2html_wrap_inline2017 and Ptex2html_wrap_inline2019. The data points, and their best fits are presented in Fig. 3 (click here). The Serkowski model was fitted only to those stars which had accurate polarization measurements in at least four passbands. We excluded measurements from our fit which had polarization uncertainties tex2html_wrap_inline2021.

To check the effect of fitting the Serkowski model with four points, we also did all the fits using both 5 and 4 points and, typically, the values of tex2html_wrap_inline2023 derived in the two ways do not differ by more than 100 Å. For 19 stars we have fitted the Serkowski polarization model with 5 points, while 9 stars were done with 4 points, since the late spectral types of the stars prevented accurate measurements of U band polarization. Seven stars were not fitted at all, since both the U and B polarization were found to be inaccurate, or the star was found to be unpolarized.

In Fig. 4 (click here) we present plots of the percentage polarization for each of the five bands against the color excess tex2html_wrap_inline2031. It is clear that the polarization rises for tex2html_wrap_inline2033 at a different slope than for the largest values of tex2html_wrap_inline2035. A similar change in slope has been observed by Whittet et al. (1991), and it is believed to reflect a decrease in the efficiency of polarization at the highest extinctions due to either more spherical grains, or de-alignment of the grains in the densest parts of the sight lines. Figure 5 (click here) shows the maximum polarization tex2html_wrap_inline2037 of each star, plotted against the color excess tex2html_wrap_inline2039. Also shown in Fig. 5 (click here) are separate fits for the sight lines where 4 or 5 points were used to fit the data to the Serkowski model. We see a gradually increasing function, with a fair amount of dispersion in the measured values of tex2html_wrap_inline2041.

Figure 4: Polarization percentage for each of the five passbands for the polarimetric sample. Included are the best fits to the data (dashed line) and ``maximum" polarization, tex2html_wrap_inline2043, (solid line) from Spitzer (1978). The different slope between high and low extinction sightlines is apparent

Figure 5: Maximum polarization, tex2html_wrap_inline2045, plotted against tex2html_wrap_inline2047 for the polarimetric sample. The filled circles indicate sightlines which had 5 measurements for fitting to the Serkowski model, while the open circles are sightlines which only had measurements in 4 filters. The dotted line shows the best fit to all of the points, and the solid line the best fit to sightlines which included 5 measurements. The dashed line represents the ``maximum" polarization efficiency from Spitzer (1978)

From the parameterisation of the polarization wavelength dependence it is also possible to determine tex2html_wrap_inline2049, and we examined the behaviour of tex2html_wrap_inline2051 as a function of extinction. The values of tex2html_wrap_inline2053 increase with tex2html_wrap_inline2055 and a plot is presented in Fig. 6 (click here) for our sample. The increase in tex2html_wrap_inline2057 at large tex2html_wrap_inline2059 is consistent with larger dust grains occurring in denser sight lines with high extinction, perhaps as the result of ices accumulating on the grains.

Figure 6: Wavelength of maximum polarization, tex2html_wrap_inline2061 versus tex2html_wrap_inline2063. The dotted line represents the least square fits to all data points, while the solid line gives the least square fits for only values of tex2html_wrap_inline2065 derived from more than three points fits to the Serkowski's law (filled circles)

In Fig. 7 (click here) we present a plot of the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline2067, which appears to be bimodal, with a smaller population of points having larger values of tex2html_wrap_inline2069. It appears that most of the large values of tex2html_wrap_inline2071 also coincide with the peak 100 tex2html_wrap_inline2073m emission from the cloud, based on an examination of the location of the program stars on the IRAS map of Fig. 1 (click here).

Figure 7: Histogram of tex2html_wrap_inline2075 values, showing a bimodal population with the larger values of tex2html_wrap_inline2077 concentrated mostly in the center of the cloud

Variations in tex2html_wrap_inline2079 are generally attributed to variations in the mean grain size toward the region. Some complications can arise, however, in regions with multiple clouds along the line of sight, which may have different values of tex2html_wrap_inline2081, or different orientations of the mean magnetic field. In the former case, significant deviations from the Serkowski model may be found, while in the latter case, the electric field vector orientation may be a function of wavelength. Clarke and Al-Roubaie (1984) have modeled the effects of various grain size distributions, and specifically the rotation of the polarization vector tex2html_wrap_inline2083 with the angle tex2html_wrap_inline2085 between two clouds along the sight line. Additionally a linear relation exists between the width parameter K and tex2html_wrap_inline2089. The physical significance of the parameter K from the Serkowski model has been examined by Whittet et al. (1991), but is presently uncertain whether K varies significantly with direction within the Galaxy.

We have assumed a value of 1.15 for the Serkowski K parameter, and also that most of the polarization results from a single component. The spectroscopic results of Sect. 3.3 suggest that there are two components of the ISM in the line of sight to the Cha I association. The second component, which appears in several of the Ca II spectra, is much weaker, however, and therefore our assumption of a single dominant component is valid. Our observed rotation of the polarization angles for a given sight line varied by less than tex2html_wrap_inline2097 for nearly all sight lines, which is also consistent with a single dominant component of polarizing interstellar medium (Clarke & Al-Roubaie 1984).

3.2. Analysis of IRAS infrared colors

Infrared observations of nearby molecular clouds and atomic cirrus have also been used to deduce an increased small grain content from increased R(12,100), and decreased tex2html_wrap_inline2121 near the edges of clouds, which undergo rapid fluctuations of the number of small grains attributed variously to condensations from gas, removal from larger grains, and from slight redistributions between small (a < 30 Å) and mid-sized (30 < a < 100 Å) grains (Désert et al. 1990; Bernard & Boulanger 1993).

   Table 3: Infrared data from IRAS. The 100tex2html_wrap_inline2127 IR fluxes, I(100), are in mJy Srtex2html_wrap_inline2131

We have analyzed the values of R(12,100) and other IRAS colours, and present the results for our program star sight lines in Table 3 (click here). The IRAS colours were also examined for systematic trends with some of our other polarimetric and spectroscopically observed quantities. Figure 8 (click here) presents a plot of percentage polarization against R(12,100). A clear decrease in polarization is seen as R(12,100) increases, suggesting that the processes which disrupt the grains in the cloud to produce the smaller particles, also are capable of either realigning or destroying the larger grains responsible for optical polarization. The fact that in Fig. 9 (click here) (top) we see little or no correlation between tex2html_wrap_inline2153 and R(12,100) suggests that the process of creating the small grain population minimally affects the grain size distribution of the polarizing grains, and therefore the small grains producing the enhanced values of R(12,100) are probably an independent population from the polarizing grains.

Figure 8: Plot of percentage polarization against R(12,100) infrared color

Figure 9: Infrared color indices versus the wavelength of maximum polarization, tex2html_wrap_inline2161. A strong correlation is seen with tex2html_wrap_inline2163, and a very weak trend is seen between R(12,100) and tex2html_wrap_inline2167, suggesting that the small grains responsible for R(12,100) enhancements do not appreciably affect the grain size distribution

Bernard & Boulanger (1993) have modeled the various contributions of PAH and other small molecules to the small grain content, and Désert et al. (1990) have determined expected IR colours with mixtures of PAH's and small grains. Boulanger et al. (1994) have determined that variations in the far UV rise of the extinction curves for stars in Chamaeleon I and II were not correlated with 12 and tex2html_wrap_inline2171m emission, which they interpreted as proof that the R(12,100) fluctuations were caused by slight variations in the size distributions of mid sized and small grains having the same composition as the larger grains. Our results are consistent with this model, since only a slight trend is seen between R(12,100) and tex2html_wrap_inline2177 which is plotted in Fig. 9 (click here). We do see a strong correlation between tex2html_wrap_inline2179 and tex2html_wrap_inline2181, however, and a slight anticorrelation between R(60,100) and tex2html_wrap_inline2185. These results suggest that the larger grains associated with increased values of tex2html_wrap_inline2187 also have reduced grain temperatures and larger tex2html_wrap_inline2189m fluxes.

We have also made plots of the IRAS fluxes and colours against the maximum percentage polarization tex2html_wrap_inline2191, and these are presented in Figs. 10 (click here)a and 10b. A definite correlation between tex2html_wrap_inline2193 and tex2html_wrap_inline2195 is seen, as is an anticorrelation between R(12,100) and tex2html_wrap_inline2199. These results strongly suggest that the larger grains which have increased values of tex2html_wrap_inline2201 and tex2html_wrap_inline2203 also are responsible for large amounts of polarization. Colour-colour plots of R(12,100) against tex2html_wrap_inline2207 (Fig. 11 (click here)) reinforce the trends shown in Figs. 10 (click here)a and 10b, as does the plot of R(60,100) vs. R(12,100) (Fig. 11 (click here), bottom), which suggests that the larger values of R(60,100), usually associated with heated grains, also give rise to larger numbers of small particles which are responsible for the increase of R(12,100).

Figure 10: a) Plots of IRAS fluxes against tex2html_wrap_inline2217, the maximum polarization percentage from Serkowski fit. Strong correlations are seen in the 60 and 100 tex2html_wrap_inline2219m fluxes

Figure 10: b) Plots of IRAS colors against tex2html_wrap_inline2221, the maximum polarization percentage from Serkowski fit. Strong anti-correlations are seen in the R(60,100) and R(12,100) plots, suggesting that sightlines with grain heating also have substantial dealignment of the polarizing grains

Figure 11: Color-color IRAS plot for the points on the Cha I cloud toward stars in our polarimetric sample. (Top): R(12,100) values are seen to highest where tex2html_wrap_inline2229 is minimized, which is consistent with an interpretation of R(12,100) enhancements as heating at the edge of the Cha I cloud. (Bottom): R(60,100) values are seen to correlate with R(12,100), as is seen in other diffuse clouds

3.3. Spectroscopic results

The transitions from large to small grains are generally attributed to variations in either the ambient UV radiation field or convective turbulent motions within the interstellar cloud. Both processes would be expected to affect the depletion of ices from the surfaces of grains, and to release highly depleted elements such as Ca into the gas phase. The observation of Ca II in absorption from background stars should therefore provide a useful probe of grain destruction or ablation from radiation or kinetic processes. We present in Fig. 12 (click here) the absorption lines of Ca II for our sample, in order of Right Ascension of the star. Line profile models for all the spectra have been computed, and the values of tex2html_wrap_inline2249, b, and N(Ca II) are presented in Table 4 (click here). The Ca II absorption is quite uniform across the cloud in velocity, although in some sight lines a weak second component of absorption appears. The second component is strongest in the spectra at either edge of the Cha I cloud, suggesting that this component may arise from either a neighboring cloud, or higher velocity gas which is impacting the Cha I region.

   Table 4: Spectroscopic results

Figure 12: a) Spectra for all of our spectroscopic program stars in Ca II absorption, in order of right ascension. The Cha I cloud Ca II absorption appears at a nearly constant velocity of tex2html_wrap_inline2373 km stex2html_wrap_inline2375, with a second blended component visible in sightlines at either end of the cloud. The strongest Ca II absorption appears at the East end of the cloud

Figure 12: b)

High resolution spectra of CH absorption are presented for the sample of stars in Fig. 13 (click here). The fitted line profiles are included, and the values of tex2html_wrap_inline2377, b, and N(CH) are also presented in Table 4. The molecular content of clouds is generally found to correlate with tex2html_wrap_inline2383m emission, since the larger grains which emit tex2html_wrap_inline2385m are effective in shielding the molecules from the dissociating interstellar radiation field. However, if transient processes exist in molecular clouds which heat small grains and can produce molecular CH, then it should be possible to see trends between N(CH) with tex2html_wrap_inline2389 and R(60,100). Recent observations have found significant amounts of CH in the warm envelopes of molecular clouds, suggesting that both CH and CHtex2html_wrap_inline2393 may exist as a transient phase of molecular gas in some molecular clouds (Crane et al. 1995).

Figure 13: a) Spectra for all of our spectroscopic program stars in CH II absorption, in order of right ascension. The Cha I cloud CH II absorption appears in a single strong component at the same velocity of the dominant Ca II absorption line. The strongest CH absorption appears at either end of the cloud

Figure 13: b)

Figures 14 (click here)a-d present stacked spectra for single sight lines, and it is clear that the CH/CHtex2html_wrap_inline2395 ratio is highly variable in the Cha I cloud. In the sections below, we discuss the data for each of the four Cha I sight lines, detailing the relationships between IRAS and spectroscopic results.

3.3.1. HD 99759

Figure 14 (click here)a shows a stacked plot of the spectra for the HD 99759 sight line, which appears toward the Eastern edge of the Cha I cloud, where the IRAS tex2html_wrap_inline2409m flux is tex2html_wrap_inline2411 mJy Srtex2html_wrap_inline2413. The observed Ca II absorption profile has been fitted by two components giving a total column density N(Ca II) = tex2html_wrap_inline2417 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2419. The molecular content for this sight line is high with N(CH) = 3.0 tex2html_wrap_inline2425 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2427 and N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2431 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2433. The CHtex2html_wrap_inline2435 profile was fitted by a single component and appears asymmetric, which may be the result of two blended components.

Figure 14: a) Stacked spectra for the HD 99759 sight line. The absorption lines are discussed in Sect. 3.3.1.

Figure 14: b) Stacked spectra for the HD 97048 sight line. The absorption lines are discussed in Sect. 3.3.2.

Figure 14: c) Stacked spectra for the HD 96675 sight line. The absorption lines are discussed in Sect. 3.3.3.

Figure 14: d) Stacked spectra for the HD 97300 sight line. The absorption lines are discussed in Sect. 3.3.4.

The extinction for the sight line is only tex2html_wrap_inline2437, and the column density of CH is one of the highest per unit of extinction, as seen in Fig. 15 (click here). In low extinction sight lines, like the one toward HD 99759, the dissociation rate of CH from the interstellar radiation field must be balanced by an increased production of CH to account for the large molecular column densities. A production mechanism which could be attributed to shocks which collide with the Cha I cloud would be most pronounced near the edges of the dark cloud region, such as the material toward HD 99759. The large value of N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2441(CH) = 0.63 is consistent with this hypothesis, since CHtex2html_wrap_inline2443 has been thought to be produced in shocks (Allen 1994).

Figure 15: CH column density, N(CH), is plotted against tex2html_wrap_inline2447 for spectroscopic program stars, showing enhanced N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2451 content for sightlines toward HD 94414, HD 97300, HD 96675, and HD 99759

3.3.2. HD 97048

Figure 14 (click here)b shows a stacked plot of the spectra for the HD 97048 sight line, which appears toward the Southern central part of the Cha I cloud, where the IRAS tex2html_wrap_inline2469m flux is tex2html_wrap_inline2471 mJy Srtex2html_wrap_inline2473. HD 97048 is thought to be embedded in the Cha I cloud, and the large IRAS fluxes therefore come from circumstellar material being heated by the star. HD 97048 is associated with the reflection nebula Ced 111, and has been found to be surrounded by additional IRAS sources, which suggests that HD 97048 is a center for low-mass star formation. Recent reviews on the HD 97048 and HD 97300 sight lines include Assendorp et al. (1990), and Steenman & Thé (1989). The latter have found that the two stars have anomalous extinction, with tex2html_wrap_inline2475, which would result in an optical extinction for HD 97048 of tex2html_wrap_inline2477, which is less than half of the estimated maximum extinction of tex2html_wrap_inline2479 for the Cha I cloud. The HD 97048 sight line would therefore be on the near side of the Cha I cloud, within a reflection nebula which consists of a mixture of radiation processed gas and dust. The CH column density for HD 97048 is slightly higher than the HD 99759, at N(CH) = 3.4 tex2html_wrap_inline2483 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2485, which is surprising considering the large radiation field which must be present from the embedded source HD 97048. The CHtex2html_wrap_inline2487 column density for this sight line is extremely low, with N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2491 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2493.

It is interesting to note that two sight lines from the same cloud, HD 97048 and HD 99759, have nearly identical colour excesses of tex2html_wrap_inline2495, and yet have extremely different ratios of N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2499)/N(CH), with value of N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2505(CH) < 0.043 for HD 97048 and N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2511(CH)tex2html_wrap_inline2513 for HD 99759, respectively. This difference may be due to the fact that HD 99759 is preferentially sampling the edge of the cloud, where our results strongly suggest tex2html_wrap_inline2515 production is enhanced.

The Ca II column density toward HD 97048 is large, with N(Ca II) = 6.7 tex2html_wrap_inline2519 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2521, from a single component of absorption. The HD 97048 Ca II absorption is more symmetric than the HD 99759 Ca II absorption, which is also consistent with the enhanced CHtex2html_wrap_inline2523 production toward HD 99759 resulting from evaporation or shock processing of gas at the edge of the Cha I dark cloud, which might introduce the extra component of Ca II absorption.

3.3.3. HD 96675

Figure 14 (click here)c shows a stacked plot of the spectra for the HD 96675 sight line, which appears toward a Northern section of the Cha I cloud, where the IRAS 100 tex2html_wrap_inline2525m flux is tex2html_wrap_inline2527 mJy Srtex2html_wrap_inline2529. The Ca II column density toward HD 96675 is moderate, with N(Ca II) = tex2html_wrap_inline2533 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2535, distributed over two components as for HD 99759. The extinction is again similar to that of the previous two sight lines, with tex2html_wrap_inline2537, and with a substantial CH column density of N(CH) = 3.1 tex2html_wrap_inline2541 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2543, one of the highest per unit of extinction, as seen in Fig. 15 (click here). The CHtex2html_wrap_inline2545 column density is very weak, with N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2549 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2551. It turns out that the HD 96675 sight line has a large molecular content, yet a small ratio of N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2555(CH) and N(Ca II)/N(CH). The high value of tex2html_wrap_inline2561 may hint at a different value of tex2html_wrap_inline2563 for this sight line, or may reflect a substantial population of large grains which would shield the CH from dissociation, but perhaps provide a less favourable environment for the production of CHtex2html_wrap_inline2565. The value of the total to selective extinction ratio calculated from the wavelength dependence of the polarization is tex2html_wrap_inline2567, although the value of tex2html_wrap_inline2569 suggested from the polarimetry is tex2html_wrap_inline2571 Å, which is average for the polarimetry sample. The IRAS color index R(12,100)=0.04 is very small, suggesting a reduced population of heated small grains, and the value of R(60,100)=0.21 corresponds to one of the lowest grain temperatures of the sample.

3.3.4. HD 97300

Figure 14 (click here)d shows a stacked plot of the spectra for the HD 97300 sight line, which appears slightly South of HD 96675 but still in the central part of the cloud. Like HD 97048, HD 97300 is believed to be embedded in the Cha I dark cloud, and therefore the IRAS colours are from heated circumstellar material. The IRAS 100 tex2html_wrap_inline2577m flux is reported to be tex2html_wrap_inline2579=282 mJy Srtex2html_wrap_inline2581. The CHtex2html_wrap_inline2583 column density for this sight line is higher than for HD 97048, with N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2587 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2589, and N(CHtex2html_wrap_inline2593(CH) = 0.08, which is at least twice as high as the HD 97048 sight line, but still relatively low compared with other molecular absorption sight lines. The Ca II column density is substantially higher than for the HD 97048 sight line, with N(Ca II) = tex2html_wrap_inline2597 cmtex2html_wrap_inline2599. The column densities of CHtex2html_wrap_inline2601 and Ca II therefore seem to be correlated, at least for our limited spectroscopic sample, which again suggests that the CHtex2html_wrap_inline2603 appears in the warmer outer envelopes of molecular clouds.

3.3.5. Variation of Column Densities with tex2html_wrap_inline2605 and IRAS colours

Figure 15 (click here) is a plot of N(CH) vs. tex2html_wrap_inline2609 and we see a definite increase in N(CH) with increased extinction. Also notable is the very large value of N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2615 for the stars HD 94414, HD 97300, HD 96675, and HD 99759. Variations in N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2619 have been observed previously in high galactic latitude molecular clouds and may trace shock formation of molecules (Penprase 1993; Penprase et al. 1990).

One of the more interesting results from the comparison of spectroscopic, polarimetric and IRAS data involved the differing behaviour of N(Ca II) and N(CH) with IRAS colours and tex2html_wrap_inline2625. Figure 16 (click here) presents a plot of the column densities N(CH) and N(Ca II) against R(60,100), which is commonly considered to be a good indicator of grain temperature. Values of N(CH) are seen to rise steadily with R(60,100), suggesting strongly that the warmer grains are somehow producing additional CH. At the same time, Ca II appears to decrease with grain temperature, which is surprising since much of the gas phase Ca II is expected to result from the disruption (and therefore heating) of grains at the edges of clouds.

Figure 16: Plots of N(Ca II) (top) and N(CH) (bottom) against R(60,100), commonly considered as a diagnostic of dust temperature. An increasing CH column density is seen toward the warmer sightlines, while Ca II content decreases

Figure 17: Plots of normalized densities N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2645 and N(Ca II)/tex2html_wrap_inline2649 against tex2html_wrap_inline2651, derived from the polarimetry. The tex2html_wrap_inline2653, values are considered an indicator of grain sizes, and therefore it appears that CH is produced more rapidly in regions with smaller mean grain sizes

Another interesting relation is found between N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2657 and tex2html_wrap_inline2659, which is shown in Fig. 17 (click here). N(CH)/tex2html_wrap_inline2663 decreases with tex2html_wrap_inline2665, while N(Ca II)/tex2html_wrap_inline2669 is unchanged. One interpretation of this result is that the CH production may be more favourable on smaller grains, which have decreased values of tex2html_wrap_inline2671. Further observations are needed to test this possibility.

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