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5. Conclusions

The COBE-DMR experiment was calibrated using the small dipole seasonal component due to the Earth's revolution and the signal observed from the Moon. The absolute calibration was fitted over the entire mission lifetime and checked on the short time scale using stable noise sources (Bennett et al. 1992). In this work we have shown that a second generation space mission for high-resolution imaging of the CMB can rely for calibration on the COBE measurement of the CMB dipole, making the non-trivial implementation of an active calibration system not necessary. We find that even with a very conservative approach to remove the effects of Galactic contamination, the COBRAS/SAMBA Low-Frequency Instrument can be calibrated with tex2html_wrap_inline1946 accuracy (i.e. limited by the DMR measurement of the dipole) with a frequency of 10 to 20 days. In reality, more efficient removal of the Galactic emission will be possible due to the multi-frequency nature of the experiment, leading to more frequent and precise calibration.

Measuring the calibration over 1 year of observations, would lead to extremely small statistical errors (tex2html_wrap_inline1948) even with strict values for the threshold tex2html_wrap_inline1950, but the ultimate accuracy will be limited by the tex2html_wrap_inline1952 a-priori uncertainty. This uncertainty does not affect the precision of the dipole subtraction procedure and leads to an uncertainty of a fraction of tex2html_wrap_inline1954K in the estimate of the primary anisotropy. This is adequate for the scientific goals of the proposed COBRAS/SAMBA mission. However, an even greater accuracy can be achieved for the long-term calibration by exploiting the spacecraft orbital motion. The seasonal proper velocity is known a-priori with extreme accuracy, allowing absolute calibration of the maps to better than 0.2%.

The observation of external planets will provide, a few times per year, independent absolute calibration with 3 to 5 percent accuracy. This will be a useful independent cross-check of the primary absolute calibration based on the CMB dipole anisotropy. The accuracy of planetary calibration is subject to improvement if progress is made in measurements and understanding of the planets' microwave emission. In addition, the signal from the planets can be used to accurately map the shape of the system main lobes.

Thermal variations or intrinsic instrumental effects can perturb the stability of the gain and of the instrument baseline. Short time-scale effects are efficiently diluted by the redundant observation of the same sky pixels for several scans as seen from different detectors. In this work we have concentrated on analyzing drift effects over several hours time scale, which may cause striping and systematic errors in the maps. Our simulations show that the stability of the calibration constant can be monitored with tex2html_wrap_inline1956 accuracy over time scales of tex2html_wrap_inline1958 hours and that thermal drifts of the instrument baseline (occurring typically on tex2html_wrap_inline1960 days time scale) can be controlled to within 1%. These results ensure that instrumental systematic effects, if significant, can be readily recognized from the data, and that no artifacts will appear in the final maps.

The accuracy with which one can remove such effects from the data depends strongly on the instrument sensitivity as well as on the observing strategy. In addition, a very stable thermal environment and a large thermal constant at the focal plane instrument greatly simplify the analysis of thermal effects, by making them linear over all the time scales of interest. In the case of COBRAS/SAMBA, these conditions are achieved by a proper choice of the orbit (Sun-Earth L2 provides the best possible thermal conditions) and a careful design of the thermal architecture of the payload.

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