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4. Removal of thermal baseline drifts

Besides gain changes, another potential effect of temperature drifts in the focal plane will be a linear drift tex2html_wrap_inline1904 in the reference load temperature, appearing in the signal as a baseline change with typical time scale tex2html_wrap_inline1906 hours. We have simulated the presence of a baseline drift tex2html_wrap_inline1908 per hour, a conservative estimate based on the current thermal study of the mission, to demonstrate the ability to accurately remove their potential effects.

We simulate the observations in one year in nominal configuration. As the spin axis moves every two hours by 5', in the thermal time-scale (tex2html_wrap_inline1912 hours) the beam observes tex2html_wrap_inline1914 different circles, with some fraction of overlap among them. The signal measured in each elements of the circle is
where tex2html_wrap_inline1916 is the difference between the true sky signal and the reference at an arbitrary time t=0, and tex2html_wrap_inline1920 is the statistical noise of the receiver. We assume that the elements of 3 adjacent circles observed the same signal on the sky, a reasonable approximation because of the slow gradients of the dipole and of the Galactic emission. So we average Eq. (23) over the 3 circles obtaining

Now we fit this average with a linear law

Thus, tex2html_wrap_inline1922 provides the estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline1924, while tex2html_wrap_inline1926 is the estimate of the thermal drift. The accuracy of the estimate improves by a factor 4 by using the tex2html_wrap_inline1928 estimates of tex2html_wrap_inline1930 to reach the 100 hours baseline (corresponding to tex2html_wrap_inline1932 circles).

Note that while absolute and relative calibration use the observed signal modulation, here the result is independent of the observed signals, and it depends on the LFI frequency channels only because of their different intrinsic noise and angular resolution. The accuracy in reconstructing the thermal drift is determined by the signal to noise ratio in each pixel. From our simulations we conclude that we can recover the correct value of the thermal drift with an accuracy of tex2html_wrap_inline1934 (at the 1 sigma level). This introduces errors which are tex2html_wrap_inline1936 on the estimate of the CMB anisotropy amplitude.

The most potentially dangerous thermal effects are those with a component synchronous with the spin rotation. In fact, in this case any spurious signal variation will be integrated over long time periods and will easily exceed the final integrated statistical noise. An accurate thermal study shows that for the COBRAS/SAMBA payload in L2 Lissajous orbit and in total-shadow condition the only spin-synchronous effect can come from small asymmetries of the solar panel plane with respect to the spin axis. Even in the most critical configuration (which happens to be when pointing tex2html_wrap_inline1938 away from anti-sun direction) the synchronous component of the physical temperature modulation is expected to be less than tex2html_wrap_inline1940, and any effects on the signals observed by the COBRAS/SAMBA instruments can be considered negligible. This is a major advantage of the choice of the Sun-Earth L2 orbit, which provides the best possible thermal environment for the mission.

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