Issue |
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser.
Volume 144, Number 3, June II 2000
Page(s) | 509 - 515 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 June 2000 |
Experimental transition probabilities in NII lines
Departamento de Optica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valladolid, 47071 Valladolid, Spain $^1$ Permanent address: Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, E. Politécnica Superior 05071 Avila, Spain
Send offprint request to: S. Mar
This work reports an extensive collection of 108 transition
probabilities of NII lines in the visible spectral region,
all of them measured in an emission experiment.
Relative intensity measurements have been made on a pulsed
discharge lamp and the absolute Aki values have been
obtained by using the literature available data.
Electron density and temperature range in this experiment from
0.2 to and from 17000 to 29000 K
respectively. The first one has been simultaneously determined from
two-wavelength interferometry and from the Stark broadening of HeI 471.3 nm,
the second from Boltzmann-plot of NII lines and from NII/NI intensities
ratios. The results are compared with the recent available literature.
Key words: atomic data / line: profile / methods: laboratory
© European Southern Observatory (ESO), 2000