Issue |
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser.
Volume 139, Number 1, October I 1999
Page(s) | 141 - 161 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 October 1999 |
The galaxy cluster Abell 426 (Perseus). A catalogue of 660 galaxy positions, isophotal magnitudes and morphological types *,**
Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Sternwarte 5, D- 07778 Tautenburg, Germany
We present a homogeneous catalogue of galaxies in the field of
the nearby galaxy cluster A 426 (Perseus) based
on a survey of digitised Schmidt plates taken with the Tautenburg
2 m telescope in the B band.
Accurate positions, morphological types, B25 isophotal
magnitudes, angular radii and position angles are given for
660 galaxies within a field of about 10 square-degrees, centred on
When available, the radial velocity and the most common name
taken from NED or PGC are included. The catalogue comprises galaxies
brighter than
. The estimated limit
of completeness is
Two thirds of the galaxies are published for the first time.
The galaxy positions are measured with a mean accuracy of
the photometric accuracy is of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 mag depending
on image crowding and galaxy shape. Morphological properties were
evaluated from the visual inspections of both deep images obtained from
the digital co-addition of a large number of plates and higher-resolution
images from single plates taken under good seeing conditions.
The superimposed images unveil faint structures down to
mag arcsec-2.
The catalogue is applied to a study of
statistical properties of the galaxies in A 426:
projected distribution of morphological types,
segregation of morphological types, position of the
cluster centre, distribution of galaxy position angles,
type-dependent luminosity functions, and total B-luminosity
of the the cluster.
In agreement with previous studies, we find a relative
spiral-deficiency in the central region (
The percentage of identified S+Irr increases, however, increases
from 30% in the centre to more than 50% in the outer parts.
The projected distributions of early- and late-type galaxies
are not co-centred. The total luminosity of all supposed member
galaxies in the surveyed area is estimated to
blue solar luminosities.
We do not analyse in detail possible substructures in
the projected distribution of galaxies. However, we found a pronounced
clump of galaxies
which is shown to be a background cluster at
Key words: galaxies: clusters: individual: A 426 / galaxies: fundamental parameters / galaxies: luminosity function
The catalogue is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
© European Southern Observatory (ESO), 1999