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The VMC survey – XLIX. Discovery of a population of quasars dominated by nuclear dust emission behind the Magellanic Clouds
Clara M Pennock, Jacco Th van Loon, Joy O Anih, Chandreyee Maitra, Frank Haberl, Anne E Sansom, Valentin D Ivanov, Michael J Cowley, José Afonso, Sonia Antón, Maria-Rosa L Cioni, Jessica E M Craig, Miroslav D Filipović, Andrew M Hopkins, Ambra Nanni, Isabella Prandoni and Eleni Vardoulaki Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(4) 6046 (2022)
Discovery of four super-soft X-ray sources in XMM-Newton observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud
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Statistical Analysis of Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
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The X‐Ray Binary Population in M33. I. Source List and Luminosity Function
H.‐J. Grimm, J. McDowell, A. Zezas, D.‐W. Kim and G. Fabbiano The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 161(2) 271 (2005)
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From Observations to Self-Consistent Modelling of the ISM in Galaxies
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Deep XMM-Newton observation of a northern LMC field I. Selected X-ray sources