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The Twice-Overlooked, Second Fanaroff-Riley II Broad Absorption Line Quasar LBQS 1138−0126
Michael S. Brotherton, Scott M. Croom, Carlos De Breuck, Robert H. Becker and Michael D. Gregg The Astronomical Journal 124(5) 2575 (2002)
The Optical Polarization of Near‐Infrared–selected Quasi‐Stellar Objects
Paul S. Smith, Gary D. Schmidt, Dean C. Hines, Roc M. Cutri and Brant O. Nelson The Astrophysical Journal 569(1) 23 (2002)
AChandraSurvey of Broad Absorption Line Quasars
Paul J. Green, Thomas L. Aldcroft, Smita Mathur, Belinda J. Wilkes and Martin Elvis The Astrophysical Journal 558(1) 109 (2001)
Confirmation of the existence of coherent orientations of quasar polarization vectors on cosmological scales