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Efficient detection of chaos through the computation of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) by the multi-particle method
Bertin Many Manda, Malcolm Hillebrand and Charalampos Skokos Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 108635 (2025)
Near-Earth stream decoherence revisited: the limits of orbital similarity
Unveiling hidden companions in post-common-envelope binaries: A robust strategy and uncertainty exploration
Cristian A. Giuppone, Luciana V. Gramajo, Emmanuel Gianuzzi, Matías N. Ramos, Nicolás Cuello and Tobias C. Hinse Astronomy & Astrophysics 683 A129 (2024)
Characterisation of TOI-406 as a showcase of the THIRSTEE program
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Applying zero-crossing method for frequency map analysis of dynamical systems
Denis Yurin, Maxim Makukov, Dana Kuvatova, Anton Gluchshenko and Chingis Omarov Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531(1) 1483 (2024)
Hints of a close outer companion to the ultra-hot Jupiter TOI-2109 b
J.-V. Harre, A. M. S. Smith, S. C. C. Barros, V. Singh, J. Korth, A. Brandeker, A. Collier Cameron, M. Lendl, T. G. Wilson, L. Borsato, Sz. Csizmadia, J. Cabrera, H. Parviainen, A. C. M. Correia, B. Akinsanmi, N. Rosario, P. Leonardi, L. M. Serrano, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, J. Asquier, T. Bárczy, D. Barrado Navascues, W. Baumjohann, W. Benz, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 692 A254 (2024)
The sherlock pipeline: new exoplanet candidates in the WASP-16, HAT-P-27, HAT-P-26, and TOI-2411 systems
Martín Dévora-Pajares, Francisco J Pozuelos, Antoine Thuillier, Mathilde Timmermans, Valérie Van Grootel, Victoria Bonidie, Luis Cerdeño Mota and Juan C Suárez Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 532(4) 4752 (2024)
On the timescales in the chaotic dynamics of a 4D symplectic map
Pablo M. Cincotta and Claudia M. Giordano Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 34(10) (2024)
The GAPS Programme at TNG
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Orbital Stability and Secular Dynamics of the Proxima Centauri Planetary System
A. Ruggieri, S. Desidera, K. Biazzo, M. Pinamonti, F. Marzari, G. Mantovan, A. Sozzetti, A. S. Bonomo, A. F. Lanza, L. Malavolta, R. Claudi, M. Damasso, R. Gratton, D. Nardiello, S. Benatti, A. Bignamini, G. Andreuzzi, F. Borsa, L. Cabona, C. Knapic, E. Molinari, L. Pino and T. Zingales Astronomy & Astrophysics 684 A116 (2024)
The missing rings around Solar System moons
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Orbital dynamics in galactic potentials under mass transfer
Image classification of retrograde resonance in the planar circular restricted three-body problem
G. A. Caritá, S. Aljbaae, M. H. M. Morais, A. C. Signor, V. Carruba, A. F. B. A. Prado and H. Hussmann Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 136(2) (2024)
TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by Transit Timing Variations
Judith Korth, Priyanka Chaturvedi, Hannu Parviainen, Ilaria Carleo, Michael Endl, Eike W. Guenther, Grzegorz Nowak, Carina M. Persson, Phillip J. MacQueen, Alexander J. Mustill, Juan Cabrera, William D. Cochran, Jorge Lillo-Box, David Hobbs, Felipe Murgas, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Hanna Kellermann, Guillaume Hébrard, Akihiko Fukui, Enric Pallé, Jon M. Jenkins, Joseph D. Twicken, Karen A. Collins, Samuel N. Quinn, Ján Šubjak, et al. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 971(2) L28 (2024)
The K2-24 planetary system revisited by CHEOPS
V. Nascimbeni, L. Borsato, P. Leonardi, S. G. Sousa, T. G. Wilson, A. Fortier, A. Heitzmann, G. Mantovan, R. Luque, T. Zingales, G. Piotto, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, T. Bárczy, D. Barrado Navascues, S. C. C. Barros, W. Baumjohann, T. Beck, W. Benz, N. Billot, F. Biondi, A. Brandeker, C. Broeg, M.-D. Busch, A. Collier Cameron, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 A349 (2024)
The power spectrum indicator, a new and fast method for the early detection of chaos
Investigation on the orbital period variations of NN Ser: implications for the hypothetical planets, the Applegate mechanism, and the orbital stability
Classification of Trajectories in a Two-planet Exosystem Using the Generalized Three-body Problem
Eman M. Moneer, Fredy L. Dubeibe, Yazan M. Allawi, Meznah M. Alanazi, Tobias C. Hinse and Euaggelos E. Zotos The Astrophysical Journal 952(2) 104 (2023)
The study on transiting systems HAT-P-13, HAT-P-16, and WASP-32 through combining ground-based and TESS photometry
L Sun, S Gu, X Wang, L Bai, J H M M Schmitt, V Perdelwitz and P Ioannidis Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520(2) 1642 (2023)
Estimation of the diffusion time in a triaxial galactic potential
Finding regions of bounded motion in binary asteroid environment using Lagrangian descriptors
Sebastiano Raffa, Gianmario Merisio and Francesco Topputo Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 121 107198 (2023)
Unraveling the highly nonlinear dynamics of KCN molecular system using Lagrangian descriptors
F. Revuelta, F.J. Arranz, R.M. Benito and F. Borondo Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 123 107265 (2023)
A dynamical survey of the trans-Neptunian region − II. On the nature of chaotic diffusion
E Kővári, E Forgács-Dajka, T Kovács, Cs Kiss and Zs Sándor Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 524(1) L26 (2023)
A Dynamical Survey of the Trans-Neptunian Region. I. Mean-motion Resonances with Neptune
E. Forgács-Dajka, E. Kővári, T. Kovács, Cs. Kiss and Zs. Sándor The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 266(1) 5 (2023)
A super-Earth and a mini-Neptune near the 2:1 MMR straddling the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf TOI-2096
Validating AU Microscopii d with Transit Timing Variations
Justin M. Wittrock, Peter P. Plavchan, Bryson L. Cale, Thomas Barclay, Mathis R. Ludwig, Richard P. Schwarz, Djamel Mékarnia, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Lyu Abe, Olga Suarez, Tristan Guillot, Dennis M. Conti, Karen A. Collins, Ian A. Waite, John F. Kielkopf, Kevin I. Collins, Stefan Dreizler, Mohammed El Mufti, Dax L. Feliz, Eric Gaidos, Claire S. Geneser, Keith D. Horne, Stephen R. Kane, Patrick J. Lowrance, Eder Martioli, et al. The Astronomical Journal 166(6) 232 (2023)
Two super-Earths at the edge of the habitable zone of the nearby M dwarf TOI-2095
F. Murgas, A. Castro-González, E. Pallé, F. J. Pozuelos, S. Millholland, O. Foo, J. Korth, E. Marfil, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, J. L. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, K. A. Collins, M. Di Sora, A. Fukui, T. Gan, E. J. Gonzales, Th. Henning, E. Herrero, G. Isopi, J. M. Jenkins, J. Lillo-Box, N. Lodieu, R. Luque, F. Mallia, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 677 A182 (2023)
Performance of chaos diagnostics based on Lagrangian descriptors. Application to the 4D standard map
Sebastian Zimper, Arnold Ngapasare, Malcolm Hillebrand, Matthaios Katsanikas, Stephen R. Wiggins and Charalampos Skokos Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 453 133833 (2023)
GPU accelerated stability maps for extrassolar planetary systems: the Kepler-46 system
TOI-5126: a hot super-Neptune and warm Neptune pair discovered by TESS and CHEOPS
Tyler R Fairnington, Emma Nabbie, Chelsea X Huang, George Zhou, Orion Foo, Sarah Millholland, Duncan Wright, Alexandre A Belinski, Allyson Bieryla, David R Ciardi, Karen A Collins, Kevin I Collins, Mark Everett, Steve B Howell, Jack J Lissauer, Michael B Lund, Felipe Murgas, Enric Palle, Samuel N Quinn, Howard M Relles, Boris S Safonov, Richard P Schwarz, Nicholas J Scott, Gregor Srdoc, George Ricker, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(3) 8768 (2023)
Chaotic diffusion in the action and frequency domains: estimate of instability times
G. A. Caritá, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, A. C. Signor, M. H. M. Morais and D. M. Sanchez Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 135(5) (2023)
Quantifying chaos using Lagrangian descriptors
M. Hillebrand, S. Zimper, A. Ngapasare, M. Katsanikas, S. Wiggins and Ch. Skokos Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32(12) (2022)
Anomalous diffusion in single and coupled standard maps with extensive chaotic phase spaces
A quarter century of spectroscopic monitoring of the nearby M dwarf Gl 514
M. Damasso, M. Perger, J. M. Almenara, D. Nardiello, M. Pérez-Torres, A. Sozzetti, N. C. Hara, A. Quirrenbach, X. Bonfils, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, N. Astudillo-Defru, J. I. González Hernández, A. Suárez Mascareno, P. J. Amado, T. Forveille, J. Lillo-Box, Y. Alibert, J. A. Caballero, C. Cifuentes, X. Delfosse, P. Figueira, D. Galadí-Enríquez, A. P. Hatzes, Th. Henning, A. Kaminski, et al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 666 A187 (2022)
A numerical study of the 1/2, 2/1, and 1/1 retrograde mean motion resonances in planetary systems
Gabriel Antonio Caritá, Alan Cefali Signor and Maria Helena Moreira Morais Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(2) 2280 (2022)
Orbital stability analysis of hypothetical Earth-mass and Luna-mass moons in the Sagarmatha (HD 100777) star system
Aayush Gautam, Angel Bashyal, Shree Krishna Bhattarai and Suman Satyal Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 74(4) 815 (2022)
Planet–planet scattering in presence of a companion star
Francesco Marzari, Makiko Nagasawa and Krzyszof Goździewski Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(4) 5050 (2022)
Two temperate super-Earths transiting a nearby late-type M dwarf
Suman Satyal, Billy Quarles and Marialis Rosario-Franco Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516(1) 39 (2022)
A search for transit timing variations in the HATS-18 planetary system
John Southworth, A J Barker, T C Hinse, Y Jongen, M Dominik, U G Jørgensen, P Longa-Peña, S Sajadian, C Snodgrass, J Tregloan-Reed, N Bach-Møller, M Bonavita, V Bozza, M J Burgdorf, R Figuera Jaimes, Ch Helling, J A Hitchcock, M Hundertmark, E Khalouei, H Korhonen, L Mancini, N Peixinho, S Rahvar, M Rabus, J Skottfelt and P Spyratos Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(3) 3212 (2022)
HD 28109 hosts a trio of transiting Neptunian planets including a near-resonant pair, confirmed by ASTEP from Antarctica
Georgina Dransfield, Amaury H M J Triaud, Tristan Guillot, Djamel Mekarnia, David Nesvorný, Nicolas Crouzet, Lyu Abe, Karim Agabi, Marco Buttu, Juan Cabrera, Davide Gandolfi, Maximilian N Günther, Florian Rodler, François-Xavier Schmider, Philippe Stee, Olga Suarez, Karen A Collins, Martín Dévora-Pajares, Steve B Howell, Elisabeth C Matthews, Matthew R Standing, Keivan G Stassun, Chris Stockdale, Samuel N Quinn, Carl Ziegler, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(1) 1328 (2022)
A Review on Co-orbital Motion in Restricted and Planetary Three-body Problems
Stability analysis of planetary systems via second-order Rényi entropy
Tamás Kovács, Máté Pszota, Emese Kővári, Emese Forgács-Dajka and Zsolt Sándor Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(4) 5160 (2022)
Multi-instrument observations of the Pajala fireball: Origin, characteristics, and atmospheric implications
A highly mutually inclined compact warm-Jupiter system KOI-984?
L Sun, P Ioannidis, S Gu, J H M M Schmitt, X Wang, M B N Kouwenhoven, V Perdelwitz, F Flammini Dotti and S Czesla Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(3) 4604 (2022)
Transit timings variations in the three-planet system: TOI-270
Laurel Kaye, Shreyas Vissapragada, Maximilian N Günther, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(4) 5464 (2022)
Direct Imaging of Exoplanets beyond the Radial Velocity Limit: Application to the HD 134987 System
Zhexing Li, Sergi R. Hildebrandt, Stephen R. Kane, Neil T. Zimmerman, Julien H. Girard, Junellie Gonzalez-Quiles and Margaret C. Turnbull The Astronomical Journal 162(1) 9 (2021)
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs
TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data
Veselin B. Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Jerome A. Orosz, William F. Welsh, William Cochran, Karen A. Collins, Michael Endl, Coel Hellier, David W. Latham, Phillip MacQueen, Joshua Pepper, Billy Quarles, Lalitha Sairam, Guillermo Torres, Robert F. Wilson, Serge Bergeron, Pat Boyce, Allyson Bieryla, Robert Buchheim, Caleb Ben Christiansen, David R. Ciardi, Kevin I. Collins, Dennis M. Conti, Scott Dixon, Pere Guerra, et al. The Astronomical Journal 162(6) 234 (2021)
Application of the Shannon entropy in the planar (non-restricted) four-body problem: the long-term stability of the Kepler-60 exoplanetary system
Quantitative orbit classification of the planar restricted three-body problem with application to the motion of a satellite around Jupiter
Euaggelos E. Zotos, Hind Albalawi, Tobias C. Hinse, Konstantinos E. Papadakis and José L. Alvarellos Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 152 111444 (2021)
Secular Resonances in the Dynamics of Objects Moving in LEO–MEO Regions of Near-Earth Orbital Space
A. G. Aleksandrova, E. V. Blinkova, T. V. Bordovitsyna, N. A. Popandopulo and I. V. Tomilova Solar System Research 55(3) 266 (2021)
Relativistic Dynamical Stability Criterion of Multiplanet Systems with a Distant Companion
Asteroseismology of iota Draconis and Discovery of an Additional Long-period Companion
Michelle L. Hill, Stephen R. Kane, Tiago L. Campante, Zhexing Li, Paul A. Dalba, Timothy D. Brandt, Timothy R. White, Benjamin J. S. Pope, Keivan G. Stassun, Benjamin J. Fulton, Enrico Corsaro, Tanda Li, J. M. Joel Ong, Timothy R. Bedding, Diego Bossini, Derek L. Buzasi, William J. Chaplin, Margarida S. Cunha, Rafael A. García, Sylvain N. Breton, Marc Hon, Daniel Huber, Chen Jiang, Cenk Kayhan, James S. Kuszlewicz, et al. The Astronomical Journal 162(5) 211 (2021)
Photometric follow-up observations and transit timing analysis of HAT-P-37b
Jia-Mei Yang, Xian-Yu Wang, Kai Li and Yuan Liu Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 73(4) 1010 (2021)
Painlevé's analysis, integrability and detecting chaos-order-chaos transition by the SALI and mLE methods of three-dimensional Armbruster Guckenheimer Kim galactic potential
A new photometric and dynamical study of the eclipsing binary star HW Virginis
S B Brown-Sevilla, V Nascimbeni, L Borsato, et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506(2) 2122 (2021)
Chaos identification through the autocorrelation function indicator $$({\textit{ACFI}})$$