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Submillimeter Radiation as the Thermal Component of the Neupert Effect
Jorge F. Valle Silva, C. Guillermo Giménez de Castro, Paulo J. A. Simões and Jean-Pierre Raulin Solar Physics 294(11) (2019)
Joint Measurements of Flare Flux Densities at 210 – 212 GHz by Two Different Radio Telescopes
A New Solar Burst Spectral Component Emitting Only in the Terahertz Range
Pierre Kaufmann, Jean-Pierre Raulin, C. G. Gimnez de Castro, et al. The Astrophysical Journal 603(2) L121 (2004)
Properties of Fast Submillimeter Time Structures during a Large Solar Flare
Jean‐Pierre Raulin, Pierre Kaufmann, Carlos G. Gimenez de Castro, et al. The Astrophysical Journal 592(1) 580 (2003)
Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona
Pierre Kaufmann Lecture Notes in Physics, Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona 612 294 (2003)
Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona
Nicole Vilmer and Alexander L. MacKinnon Lecture Notes in Physics, Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona 612 127 (2003)
First detection of the impulsive and extended phases of a solar radio burst above 200 GHz