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Cited article:

A Limit on the Number of Isolated Neutron Stars Detected in theROSATBright Source Catalogue

Robert E. Rutledge, Derek W. Fox, Milan Bogosavljevic and Ashish Mahabal
The Astrophysical Journal 598 (1) 458 (2003)

Isolated Neutron Stars: Accretors and Coolers

Aldo Treves, Roberto Turolla, Silvia Zane and Monica Colpi
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 112 (769) 297 (2000)

The [CLC]log[/CLC] [ITAL]N[/ITAL]–[CLC]log[/CLC] [ITAL]S[/ITAL] Distributions of Accreting and Cooling Isolated Neutron Stars

S. B. Popov, M. Colpi, M. E. Prokhorov, A. Treves and R. Turolla
The Astrophysical Journal 544 (1) L53 (2000)