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Radiative properties of few F- and Cl- like alkali and alkaline-earth metal ions
D. K. Nandy, Sukhjit Singh and B. K. Sahoo Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452(3) 2546 (2015)
Relativistic calculations of radiative properties and fine structure constant varying sensitivity coefficients in the astrophysically relevant Zn ii, Si iv and Ti iv ions
Yousuke Nishikawa, Eiji Kimura, Takeshi Kai, Yukikazu Itikawa and Shinobu Nakazaki Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 73(2) 348 (2004)
Emission lines of Na-like ions in spectra obtained with the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS)
F. P. Keenan, A. C. Katsiyannis, J. W. Brosius, J. M. Davila and R. J. Thomas Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 342(2) 513 (2003)
Commission 14: Atomic and Molecular Data: (Donnees Atomiques et Moleculaires)