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A Peculiar Feature of the First Ionization Potential Effect Before a Solar Flare Impulsive Phase Observed by MSS-1B, CHASE, and SDO

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Radiative Recombination Plasma Rate Coefficients for Multiply Charged Ions

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A benchmark study of atomic models for the transition region against quiet Sun observations

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Heavy-ion Acceleration in 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events: New Insights from Solar Orbiter

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Experimental dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for lithium-like 40Ca17+

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A Diligent Analysis of the Flash and Coronal Spectrum of the Total Solar Eclipse of 20 March 2015

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Recombination of Hot Ionized Nebulae: The Old Planetary Nebula around V4334 Sgr (Sakurai’s Star)*

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A Mechanism for the Fractionation of Isotopes in 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events

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The origin of Galactic cosmic rays as revealed by their composition

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Spectral Implications of Atomic Uncertainties in Optically Thin Hot Plasmas

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The Evolution of Plasma Composition during a Solar Flare

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Temperature in Solar Sources of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles and Relation to Ion Abundances

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The Astrophysical Journal 908 (2) 243 (2021)

Modelling low charge ions in the solar atmosphere

R P Dufresne, G Del Zanna and P J Storey
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (3) 3968 (2021)

Population Kinetics Modeling of Low-Temperature Argon Plasma

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Atoms 9 (4) 100 (2021)

Parker Solar Probe observations of He/H abundance variations in SEP events inside 0.5 au

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3D MHD simulations of the supernova remnant CTB 109

A Castellanos-Ramírez, P F Velázquez and J Cantó
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E.I. Skibenko, V.B. Yuferov, A.N. Ozerov and I.V. Buravilov
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 11 (2021)

The influence of photo-induced processes and charge transfer on carbon and oxygen in the lower solar atmosphere

R P Dufresne, G Del Zanna and N R Badnell
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (2) 1976 (2021)

Local field correction to ionization potential depression of ions in warm or hot dense matter

Xiaolei Zan, Chengliang Lin, Yong Hou and Jianmin Yuan
Physical Review E 104 (2) (2021)

Combining UV Spectra and Physical Chemistry to Constrain the Hot Electron Fraction in the Io Plasma Torus

Edward G. Nerney and Fran Bagenal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (4) (2020)

The Effect of Solar Wind Expansion and Nonequilibrium Ionization on the Broadening of Coronal Emission Lines

Chris R. Gilly and Steven R. Cranmer
The Astrophysical Journal 901 (2) 150 (2020)

Electron-ion recombination rate coefficients of carbon-like Ar12+

S Mahmood, Z K Huang, W Q Wen, et al.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (8) 085004 (2020)

Active Region Irradiance during Quiescent Periods: New Insights from Sun-as-a-star Spectra

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The Astrophysical Journal 901 (1) 64 (2020)

Calculations of Dielectronic Recombination and Electron-impact Excitation Rate Coefficients of Highly Charged Sulfur Ions

D. H. Zhang, Z. W. Wu, C. Ren, J. Jiang, L. Y. Xie, R. Schuch, J. M. Zhang and C. Z. Dong
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247 (1) 22 (2020)

Monte Carlo radiative transfer for the nebular phase of Type Ia supernovae

L J Shingles, S A Sim, M Kromer, et al.
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How Do Supernovae Impact the Circumgalactic Medium? I. Large-scale Fountains around a Milky Way–like Galaxy

Miao 邈 Li 李 and Stephanie Tonnesen
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (2) 148 (2020)

Rate Coefficients for Dielectronic Recombination of Carbon-like 40Ca14+

W. Q. Wen, Z. K. Huang, S. X. Wang, N. Khan, H. B. Wang, C. Y. Chen, C. Y. Zhang, S. Preval, N. R. Badnell, W. L. Ma, D. Y. Chen, X. Liu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, J. Li, X. M. Ma, M. T. Tang, D. Y. Yin, W. Q. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, J. C. Yang, L. F. Zhu and X. Ma
The Astrophysical Journal 905 (1) 36 (2020)

Unusually low density regions in the compressed slow wind: Solar wind transients of small coronal hole origin

Yong C.-M. Liu, Zhaohui Qi, Jia Huang, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 635 A49 (2020)

PyAtomDB: Extending the AtomDB Atomic Database to Model New Plasma Processes and Uncertainties

Adam R. Foster and Keri Heuer
Atoms 8 (3) 49 (2020)

Evolving supernova remnants in multiphase interstellar media

Marco A Villagran, P F Velázquez, D O Gómez and E B Giacani
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (2) 2855 (2020)

Ab initio dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for highly-charged Ar-like ions

S. Li, J.Q. Li, C.Y. Zhang, et al.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 232 75 (2019)

Spectroscopic studies on the enhanced radiation with high Z rare gas seeding for mitigating divertor heat loads in LHD plasmas

C. Suzuki, K. Mukai, S. Masuzaki, et al.
Nuclear Materials and Energy 19 195 (2019)

Probability models of chance fluctuations in spectra of astronomical sources with applications to X-ray absorption lines

Massimiliano Bonamente
Journal of Applied Statistics 46 (6) 1129 (2019)

Element Abundances: A New Diagnostic for the Solar Wind

J. Martin Laming, Angelos Vourlidas, Clarence Korendyke, Damien Chua, Steven R. Cranmer, Yuan-Kuen Ko, Natsuha Kuroda, Elena Provornikova, John C. Raymond, Nour-Eddine Raouafi, Leonard Strachan, Samuel Tun-Beltran, Micah Weberg and Brian E. Wood
The Astrophysical Journal 879 (2) 124 (2019)

Spectroscopic diagnostics of low-ionized iron-peak elements. Electron-impact excitation of Ni3+ and photoionization of Ni2+

L Fernández-Menchero, R T Smyth, C A Ramsbottom and C P Ballance
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (2) 2154 (2019)

A Chandra/LETGS Survey of Main-sequence Stars

Brian E. Wood, J. Martin Laming, Harry P. Warren and Katja Poppenhaeger
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (1) 66 (2018)

Variability of the adiabatic parameter in monoatomic thermal and non-thermal plasmas

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A Possible Mechanism for Enriching Heavy Ions in 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events

Glenn M. Mason and Berndt Klecker
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (1) 7 (2018)

Simulating radiative magnetohydrodynamical flows withastrobear: implementation and applications of non-equilibrium cooling

E C Hansen, P Hartigan, A Frank, A Wright and J C Raymond
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481 (3) 3098 (2018)

Using a New Infrared Si x Coronal Emission Line for Discriminating between Magnetohydrodynamic Models of the Solar Corona During the 2006 Solar Eclipse

Gabriel I. Dima, Jeffrey R. Kuhn, Don Mickey and Cooper Downs
The Astrophysical Journal 852 (1) 23 (2018)

Estimating the Level of Uncertainty in Electron-Impact Excitation and Photoionisation Rates of Low-Ionised Stages of Ni Ions

Luis Fernández-Menchero, Catherine A. Ramsbottom and Connor P. Ballance
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Chromospheric Response during the Precursor and the Main Phase of a B6.4 Flare on 2005 August 20

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The Astrophysical Journal 858 (2) 98 (2018)

Dielectronic and Trielectronic Recombination Rate Coefficients of Be-like Ar14+

Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, X. Xu, S. Mahmood, S. X. Wang, H. B. Wang, L. J. Dou, N. Khan, N. R. Badnell, S. P. Preval, S. Schippers, T. H. Xu, Y. Yang, K. Yao, W. Q. Xu, X. Y. Chuai, X. L. Zhu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, B. Wu, L. N. Sheng, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235 (1) 2 (2018)

Electron–ion Recombination Rate Coefficients of Be-like 40Ca16+

S. X. Wang, X. Xu, Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, H. B. Wang, N. Khan, S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell, S. Schippers, S. Mahmood, L. J. Dou, X. Y. Chuai, D. M. Zhao, X. L. Zhu, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, M. T. Tang, D. Y. Yin, J. C. Yang, X. Ma and L. F. Zhu
The Astrophysical Journal 862 (2) 134 (2018)

Coronal Electron Density Temperature and Solar Spectral Irradiance during Solar Cycles 23 and 24

J. M Rodríguez Gómez, L. Vieira, A. Dal Lago and J. Palacios
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The First Ionization Potential Effect from the Ponderomotive Force: On the Polarization and Coronal Origin of Alfvén Waves

J. Martin Laming
The Astrophysical Journal 844 (2) 153 (2017)

Nonequilibrium Processes in the Solar Corona, Transition Region, Flares, and Solar Wind (Invited Review)

Jaroslav Dudík, Elena Dzifčáková, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, et al.
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Global Energetics of Solar Flares. V. Energy Closure in Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections

Markus J. Aschwanden, Amir Caspi, Christina M. S. Cohen, Gordon Holman, Ju Jing, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Eduard P. Kontar, James M. McTiernan, Richard A. Mewaldt, Aidan O’Flannagain, Ian G. Richardson, Daniel Ryan, Harry P. Warren and Yan Xu
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