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Extragalactic Peaked-spectrum Radio Sources at Low Frequencies

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High-frequency predictions for number counts and spectral properties of extragalactic radio sources. New evidence of a break at mm wavelengths in spectra of bright blazar sources

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EMU: Evolutionary Map of the Universe

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Observations and properties of candidate high-frequency GPS radio sources in the AT20G survey

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Quasi-simultaneous multi-frequency observations of inverted-spectrum GPS candidate sources

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Star formation in the hosts of GHz peaked spectrum and compact steep spectrum radio galaxies

A. Labiano, C. P. O'Dea, P. D. Barthel, W. H. de Vries and S. A. Baum
Astronomy & Astrophysics 477 (2) 491 (2008)

High Frequency Peakers: Young radio sources or flaring blazars?

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The Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy

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NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, The Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy 135 157 (2004)

Constraining the Evolution of Young Radio-Loud AGN

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Fundamental galaxy parameters for radio-loud active galactic nuclei and the black hole-radio power connection

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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 342 (3) 889 (2003)

VLBA Observations of Bright High Frequency Peakers

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 20 (01) 110 (2003)

A Dynamical Model for the Evolution of Hot Spots in Powerful Radio Sources

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 20 (01) 94 (2003)

Emission Line Properties of GPS/CSS Galaxies

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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 20 (01) 147 (2003)

A Parkes half-Jansky sample of GHz peaked spectrum galaxies

I. A. G. Snellen, M. D. Lehnert, M. N. Bremer and R. T. Schilizzi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 337 (3) 981 (2002)

Physical Parameters in the Hot Spots and Jets of Compact Symmetric Objects

M. Perucho and J. M. Marti
The Astrophysical Journal 568 (2) 639 (2002)

A sample of ultra steep spectrum sources selected from the Westerbork In the Southern Hemisphere (WISH) survey

C. De Breuck, Y. Tang, A. G. de Bruyn, H. Röttgering and W. van Breugel
Astronomy & Astrophysics 394 (1) 59 (2002)

Radio Spectra and Variability of Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources and Candidates

M. Tornikoski, I. Jussila, P. Johansson, M. Lainela and E. Valtaoja
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Multifrequency VLBI observations of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum sources

I. A. G. Snellen, R. T. Schilizzi and H. J. van Langevelde
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 319 (2) 429 (2000)

Multifrequency VLBI observations of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum sources

I. A. G. Snellen, R. T. Schilizzi and H. J. van Langevelde
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Astrophysics in 1998

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