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Comprehensive analysis of the eclipsing binaries V527 Dra and V2846 Cyg
Atila Čeki, Hakan Volkan Şenavcı, Olivera Latković, Ebru Uzunçam, Eda Burcu Yorulmaz and Engin Bahar Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 532(3) 3582 (2024)
Light curve analysis of six totally eclipsing W UMa binaries
Long-term Spot Stability in the Post-common-envelope Binary QS Vir
Olivera Latković, Attila Cséki, Gojko Djurašević, Ahmed Essam, Amal S. Hamed and Shahenaz M. Youssef The Astronomical Journal 157(1) 3 (2019)
A PHOTOMETRIC STUDY OF FOUR RECENTLY DISCOVERED CONTACT BINARIES: 1SWASP J064501.21+342154.9, 1SWASP J155822.10-025604.8, 1SWASP J212808.86+151622.0, AND UCAC4 436-062932
G. Djurašević, A. Essam, O. Latković, A. Cséki, M. A. El-Sadek, M. S. Abo-Elala and Z. M. Hayman The Astronomical Journal 152(3) 57 (2016)
A photometric study of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary system 1SWASP J160156.04+202821.6
A Photometric Study of the Contact Binaries: XY Leo, EE Cet and AQ Psc
Gojko Djurašević, Dinko Dimitrov, Bojan Arbutina, et al. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 23(04) 154 (2006)
Progress report on the monitoring active late-type stars in 2005/2006 and the analysis of V523 Cas