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Adaptive optics parameters connection to wind speed at the Teide Observatory

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Generalized SCIDAR Measurements at San Pedro Mártir. II. Wind Profile Statistics

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Horizontal scintillation detection and ranging C_n^2(z) estimation

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Estimation of anisoplanatism in adaptive optics by generalized SCIDAR profiling

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Analysis of modes and behavior of a multiconjugate adaptive optics system

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Generalized scintillation detection and ranging results obtained by use of a modified inversion technique

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Characterizing the Adaptive Optics Off‐Axis Point‐Spread Function. I. A Semiempirical Method for Use in Natural Guide Star Observations

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Application of an exclusively binarized correlation-calculation method to wind velocity measurement by use of stellar scintillation patterns

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Temporal coherence of individual turbulent patterns in atmospheric seeing

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Scintillation in Optical Stellar Interferometry

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