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Vacuum Ultraviolet Resonance Absorptionf‐values for Niii
J. A. Fedchak, L. M. Wiese and J. E. Lawler The Astrophysical Journal 538(2) 773 (2000)
Z S Li, H Lundberg, U Berzinsh, S Johansson and S Svanberg Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33(24) 5593 (2000)
Empirical Verification of the FeiiOscillator Strengths in theFUSEBandpass
J. Christopher Howk, Kenneth R. Sembach, Katherine C. Roth and Jeffrey W. Kruk The Astrophysical Journal 544(2) 867 (2000)
The Diffuse Interstellar Clouds toward 23 Orionis
Daniel E. Welty, L. M. Hobbs, James T. Lauroesch, et al. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 124(2) 465 (1999)
Oscillator strengths of the a 6D - y 6Po UV8 multiplet in Fe II