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A method for determining the radius of an open cluster from stellar proper motions
Néstor Sánchez, Emilio J Alfaro and Fátima López-Martínez Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475(3) 4122 (2018)
Cepheids in open clusters: an 8D all-sky census★†
Richard I. Anderson, Laurent Eyer and Nami Mowlavi Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 434(3) 2238 (2013)
A revisit to the region of Collinder 132 using Carte du Ciel and Astrographic Catalogue plates
The Pulsation Mode of the Cluster Cepheid V1726 Cygni
David G. Turner, Gary W. Billings and Leonid N. Berdnikov Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 113(784) 715 (2001)