... efficiency[*]
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Richard Gispert, HFI Data Processing Center Manager, excellent colleague, brilliant scientist, and unforgettable friend.
Alternatively, sky and reference-load signals may be sampled separately and then $\Delta T$ may be compute numerically by the DPU.
... identical[*]
But see Sect. 10 and the Appendix for a more detailed discussion.
... bytes[*]
Often compressors are evaluated looking at the compression efficiency $\mbox{$\eta_{{\rm c}}$ } = 1/C_{{\rm r}}$ but we considered $C_{{\rm r}}$ more effective for our purposes.
... signal[*]
It has to be noted that Eq. (9) is an approximated formula which is rigorously valid when $\mbox{$\sigma_{{\rm l}}$ }/\mbox{${\rm adu}$ }
\gg 1$.
... as[*]

\begin{displaymath}\int_{{\rm AFO}_{{\rm min}}}^{{\rm AFO}_{{\rm max}}} {\rm d}{...
{\rm d}{\rm VOT} \, {\mathcal P}_\nu({\rm VOT}) \!=\! 1.\end{displaymath}

Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)