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Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 146, 465-469

NGC 7419: An open cluster rich in Be stars

A. Pigulski - G. Kopacki

Send offprint request: A. Pigulski

Wroc\law University Observatory, Kopernika 11, 51-622 Wroc\law, Poland
e-mail: pigulski,

Received July 27; accepted August 13, 2000


The results of our CCD photometric H$\alpha $ observations of NGC7419 are presented. The observations resulted in a discovery of 17 new Be stars and two other emission-line objects. In consequence, the number of known Be stars in this young cluster increased more than twofold and equals now to 31. This is at present the largest number of Be stars known in any galactic open cluster. Moreover, we estimate that these 31 Be stars constitute 36 $\pm$ 7% of all cluster B-type stars brighter than $R_{\rm C}$ = 16.1 mag. This locates NGC7419 among these open clusters which are richest in Be stars such as galactic NGC663, NGC330 in SMC, and NGC1818A in LMC.

Key words: stars: emission-line, Be -- open clusters and associations: individual: NGC7419

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