Up: Optimizing ISOCAM data processing redundancy
Appendix B: LTT error determination
The error on the LTT correction is estimated using the standard deviation
constructed with all the pixel pairs used to compute
The offset correction is based on
Eq. (4). For a pixel pair
and (
)) that have seen the same sky at different time,
the offset at time ti is given by:
\Phi(\alpha, \delta, t_i, t_j) = &
...{\Delta(t_j)}{F(\alpha, \delta, t_j)} \right]\cdot
\end{array}\end{displaymath}](/articles/aas/full/2000/18/ds8759/img79.gif) |
(B1) |
We have evaluated the statistical error on the offset correction
(B2) |
where n is the number of pixel pairs.
Up: Optimizing ISOCAM data processing redundancy
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)