Up: Electric quadrupole transitions in
The RQDO formalism has been applied to the study of E2 transitions with a recently modified computer code.
The line strengths supplied for several spectral series of Ni XVIII have been analysed. The RQDO procedure has once more
proved to be a very useful tool for estimating transition intensities. It is particularly adequate in the cases where
mass-production of data is needed, given its cost-efficiency and reasonable accuracy. It offers also the advantage of
its analycity and lack of convergence problems from which elaborate ab initio calculations
often suffer.
This work has been supported by the DGES of the
Spanish Ministry of Education within Project No.
PB97-0399-C03-01, the J.C.L. within Project No. VA 21/97.
DBW thanks Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and
the Polish KBN (Project No. 2 PO3B 126 14) for supporting this work.
Up: Electric quadrupole transitions in
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)