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6 Conclusion

The study of the long term behaviour of OH variability of Miras is a powerful tool in the investigation of circumstellar shells under various aspects. This study showed that:

Finally, the comparison of the 1612 MHz variations with the main line ones fits with the idea that the 1612 MHz emission is more saturated and comes from of a more external zone than the main lines. Moreover, the behaviour of the OH variations is quite different from one source to another. Thus, some sources show gentle variations, certainly produced by a quite homogeneous envelope, while other sources show more complicated variations which may be due to a more inhomogeneous envelope. But, as revealed by the later interferometric studies and emphasised by the present study, it is apparent that for Miras, inhomegeneous circumstellar envelopes are quite usual. Models must take into account asymmetry even to describe the outermost parts of the circumstellar shell. Thus, Kahane & Jura (1994) needed to introduce a microturbulent velocity dispersion to reproduce their observed CO spectral shapes. The spectra in OH molecule lines also show that velocity field in the envelope is not simple. Differences observed between the variability curves of the red and blue parts of the OH shell as well as the different behaviour observed for the various groups of components belonging to a same peak also clearly show that the evolution of the circumstellar shell is quite complicated and in any case symmetrical.

S. Etoka thanks the "Société de Secours des Amis des Sciences'' for financial support through a research grant.

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