Up: Long-term OH variability of
6 Conclusion
The study of the long term behaviour of OH variability of Miras
is a powerful tool in the investigation of circumstellar shells under
various aspects. This study showed that:
- the optical and OH periods agree within 6%;
- the optical light curves are more strongly asymmetrical than the
OH ones, although the shapes of these two variability curves are
similar: if there are secondary maxima in the optical curves,
they are observed in the OH curve too;
- the delay at maximum in comparison with the optical
one is greater in OH than at 10 m. Since this delay
increases with the wavelength in infrared radiation, the far
infrared radiation coming from the dust probably plays an important
role in the pumping;
- the values of the OH integrated flux minima and maxima are not
correlated with those of the optical curve;
- the values of
for the integrated flux
are usually of about 30 - 35% at 1612 MHz, hardly ever
exceeding 50%, while the amplitudes of variations in both main
lines are generally greater than 30%, sometimes reaching values as high
as 95%;
- the integrated flux at 1612 MHz is clearly more saturated than
that of the main lines;
- the curves of the OH integrated flux coming from the front part
of the shell are similar for both main lines and are different from
the variability curves coming from the back part of the shell;
- the mean value of the integrated flux undergoes a slow modulation
during an interval which spreads over several cycles. This is
similar to recent studies which have shown that variations over
several stellar cycles occur at different levels of the circumstellar
shell: in the structure of the
masers, in the dust formation
and in the dynamical structure of the dust shell;
- intermediate peaks (i.e., between the red and blue ones) are
only observed in the main lines and do not exhibit particular behaviour
either with respect to variability or polarization;
- the degree of polarization for the
1612 MHz standard emission is less than 0.3. Only emission
from the standard main line peaks exhibits degrees of polarization as
high as 0.6 while inter-peak signal shows zero or very faint
polarization. It also appears that the emission at 1667 MHz can be
more polarized than at 1665 MHz;
- the observed changes in polarization seem to be related to
the variation of the mean integrated flux value;
- the number of components in the 1612 MHz spectral profile is
generally less than the number observed in the main lines, moreover the
components at 1612 MHz are narrower and exhibit greater longevity;
- the components exhibit cyclic variation in phase with the optical
curve if we take into account the usual delay at maximum of about
10 - 20% of the period. Nevertheless, the mean value of the intensity
and the amplitude of variations from a cycle to another can differ
notably from one group of components to another;
- the OH variations of the most internal component of both standard
peaks (taking the stellar velocity as a reference in the spectrum profile),
and of the inter-peak emission usually show smaller
and weaker degree of polarization in comparison
with the other components, leading to the hypothesis that they are
generally a tangential contribution of the outermost part emitting zones
of the concerned line.
Finally, the comparison of the 1612 MHz variations with the main
line ones fits with the idea that the 1612 MHz emission is more saturated
and comes from of a more external zone than the main lines. Moreover,
the behaviour of the OH variations is quite different from one source
to another. Thus, some sources show gentle variations, certainly produced by a quite
homogeneous envelope, while other sources show more complicated variations which
may be due to a more inhomogeneous envelope. But, as revealed by the later
interferometric studies and emphasised by the present study, it is apparent
that for Miras, inhomegeneous circumstellar envelopes are quite usual.
Models must take into account asymmetry even to describe the outermost parts
of the circumstellar shell. Thus, Kahane & Jura (1994) needed to introduce a
microturbulent velocity dispersion to reproduce their observed CO spectral
shapes. The spectra in OH molecule lines also show that velocity field in the
envelope is not simple. Differences observed between the variability curves of the
red and blue parts of the OH shell as well as the different behaviour
observed for the various groups of components belonging to a same peak also clearly show that
the evolution of the circumstellar shell is quite complicated and in any case
S. Etoka thanks the "Société de Secours des Amis des
Sciences'' for financial support through a research grant.
Up: Long-term OH variability of
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)