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Appendix A: Kinematic profiles of the sample galaxies

Shown here are the kinematic profiles of all sample galaxies with absorption lines strong enough for fourier fitting[*]. The profiles were obtained by applying the fourier fitting method with Gauss-Hermite polynomials on the sample spectra. The graphs plot rotational velocity, velocity dispersion, h3 and h4 values as a function of the distance from the centers of intensity. Filled and open circles refer to opposite sides from the centers. The spatial direction of the galaxy's side where the filled circles point to is given at the upper right corners of the plots. Distances from the centers are given in arcseconds below the plots and in units of the effective radii, when available (see Table 1), on top of the plots. The position angle of the slit was generally aligned with the optical major axis of the target galaxy, with the exceptions of NGC 2663 and NGC 4697, where two different position angles where used.

\includegraphics[width=6cm]{H1879F06.eps} &
...3.eps} &
\end{figure} Fig. 6.

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