Up: Abstract
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 144, 379-389
AS314: A dusty A-type hypergiant
A.S. Miroshnichenko1,2 - E.L. Chentsov3,4 - V.G. Klochkova3
Send offprint request: A.S.Miroshnichenko,
e-mail: anatoly@physics.utoledo.edu
1 - Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, 196140, Russia
2 -
Ritter Observatory, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Toledo,
Toledo, OH 43606, U.S.A.
3 -
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Karachai-Cirkassian Republic,
Nizhnij Arkhyz, 357147, Russia
4 -
Isaak Newton Institute of Chile, SAO Branch
Received September 1, 1999; accepted March 13, 2000
We present the results of our observations of the poorly-studied emission-line
star AS314 which include high-resolution spectroscopy, obtained at the
6-meter telescope of the Russian Academy of Sciences, multicolor optical
and near-infrared photometry. The strong H

line, H


of moderate strength and a number of weak Fe
II lines were
detected in emission. The Balmer lines and most of the Fe
II lines
show narrow PCyg-type profiles which implies a very low terminal velocity of
the stellar wind. Very weak signs of emission are found in H

Photospheric lines detected for the first time allowed us to determine
the object's spectral type, A0. The luminosity,

mag was estimated using several methods and implies that AS314
is a hypergiant, which is located at about 10 kpc from the Sun and has an
initial mass of

Modeling of the Balmer line profiles
resulted in the following
parameters of the stellar wind:


The star is located within the LBV strip
in the HRD. Its noticeable far-IR excess is due to the circumstellar dust
emission and is likely evidence of an LBV-type outburst in the past.
Key words: stars:
emission-line -- stars: supergiants --
circumstellar matter -- stars:
mass-loss -- stars:individual - AS314
Up: Abstract
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