Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 144, 271-284
S.J. Curran
Send offprint request: S. Curran
Onsala Space Observatory,
Chalmers University of Technology,
S-439 92 Onsala,
Received December 1, 1999; accepted February 28, 2000
Also, in order to test whether the Seyfert classes differ in their molecular gas distributions, we have used a simple model to estimate the inclination of the sub-kpc scale molecular ring, and, upon comparison with the observed spectra, conclude that the ring is generally aligned with the galactic disc, with the largest deviations from this being exhibited by the type 1 Seyferts. With regard to the nucleus, for most of the sample, the pc-scale obscuring torus appears to be approximately (within ) aligned with the molecular ring for both Seyfert classes.
Key words: galaxies: Seyfert -- galaxies: abundances -- galaxies:
structure -- galaxies: evolution
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)