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4 Conclusions

The presented ORFEUSII Echelle spectrum of HD93521 shows an extraordinary rich variety of very sharp interstellar absorption lines, especially in the wavelength region between 900Å and 1200Å, which was not very well studied before the two ORFEUS missions and for which only now new observation possibilities exist. Particularly the nearly complete presence of very sharp (FWHM $\approx$100mÅ) H2 absorption lines in this spectrum - which will be analysed in detail in a forthcoming paper - makes it well suited as a reference spectrum for interstellar molecular hydrogen. Molecular hydrogen is partially visible in the interstellar high velocity component too. Additionally some stellar lines show narrow absorption components wich are varying in time and which could be an indication for a disk.

Table 5: continued


ORFEUS could only be realized with the support of all our German and American colleagues and collaborators. The authors wish to thank Philipp Richter and Klaas S. de Boer for helpful discussions. The ORFEUS program was supported by DARA grants WE3OS8501 and WE2QV9304 and NASA grant NAG5-696.

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