V-band CCD imaging is presented for 72 galaxies from the B2 radio sample
(Colla et al. [
1975]; Fanti et al. [
1978]), with redshifts up
to 0.2 and radio powers
26.5 W Hz
-1. According
to the morphology on the optical images 57 galaxies are classified as
ellipticals, 6 as spirals and 7 as irregular. Surface photometry of the
sample of ellipticals was obtained fitting ellipses to the light
distribution. The light profile of these galaxies generally follows a de
Vaucouleurs law, although in three cases the profiles show large excesses
relative to the
r1/4 law at large radii. The fitted
parameters for the de Vaucouleurs galaxies are given in the paper. Three
of the ellipticals show a bright nucleus. One of them is a known broad line
radio galaxy (B2 1833+32) and the remaining two are Markarian galaxies,
classified in the literature as BL Lac objects (B2 1101+38 and B2 1652+39).
The radial profiles for ellipticity, position angle, and
B4 term of the
Fourier analysis are presented in the paper, and the morphological
peculiarities of the ellipticals are described, including the presence of
shells, tails, nuclear dust, isophote twisting, off-centering, and boxiness
or diskness of the isophotes. Only one of the galaxies in this work is
included in the subsample of B2 radio galaxies with well-defined jets
(Parma et al. [
1987]). In this sense the present sample complements
the sample of 24 radio galaxies with well-defined radio jets in Parma et al.
for which a similar study was presented in González-Serrano et al. ([
The irregular galaxy B2 0916+33 appears to be misclassified, and we suggest
that the right identification of the radio source is a nearby point like
object with V=18.45 mag. The spiral galaxy associated with B2 1441+26 is
also misclassified. A point-like optical object with V=18.88 mag, located
arcsec from the original identification and coincident with
the radio core is the most probable counterpart.
Key words: galaxies: active -- galaxies: fundamental parameters
-- galaxies: photometry -- radio continuum: galaxies