We have adopted the theoretical metallicity Z = 0.008 above derived, and performed the fitting with a 1.0 Gyr isochrone, which better matches the observational data. The criterion that guided us in performing this comparison was the simultaneous fit of the TO and the clump magnitudes. Since no membership exists for this cluster, it is not possible to define exactly the MS TO, which is populated also by unresolved binary stars, and interlopers (see the field population in Fig. 3 for an interpretation of the TO region in the IR CMD). However the clump luminosity can be reliably determined, since many stars are also spectroscopic members.
By using the reddening estimated derived in the previous section,
the apparent distance moduli
(m-M)K,(J-K) and
in the plots turn out to be
11.90 and 14.00, respectively. The latter values can also be obtained
assuming that the mean clump magnitude is
MV = 0.80 (Girardi et al. 1998).
Once corrected, these
values converge to the absolute distance modulus
King 5 turns out to be 1.9 kpc distant from the Sun, and about 9.6 kpc far from the Galactic Center.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)