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8 Table 4

Table 4: Data for all the clusters identified in this study. Column 1 identifies each cluster by the name of its host galaxy and a number. E.g. "n1313-221'' refers to a cluster in the galaxy NGC 1313. The column (x,y) gives the pixel coordinates of each cluster. $\alpha(2000.0)$ and $\delta(2000.0)$are the right ascension and declination. MV is the absolute visual magnitude and U-B, B-V and V-I are the broad-band colours. All photometric data are corrected for galactic foreground extinction. $R_{\rm e}$ is the effective radius in pc, as estimated by ishape using a MOFFAT15 model

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

Table 4: continued

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