Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 139, 163-166
A. Bernard1 - F. Taher2 - A. Topouzkhanian3 - G. Wannous3
Send offprint request: A. Bernard
1 -
CRAL-Observatoire de Lyon, 9 avenue Charles André, F-69561 Saint-Genis-Laval Cedex,
2 -
Groupe de Physique Moléculaire et Applications, CNRS Libanais, Beyrouth, Liban
3 -
Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Ionique et Moléculaire (LASIM), CNRS et Université Claude
Bernard-Lyon I, 43 Bd. du Onze Novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Received March 9; accepted May 26, 1999
Fluorescence spectra of lanthanum monoxide excited by selected Ar+
and Kr+ laser lines have been analysed by Fourier transform spectrometry.
Rotational levels in the electronic state have been
populated either directly or after collisional relaxation, inducing many
fluorescence transitions to the ground state
to 5). Under
our experimental conditions, bands of the
sequence of the
system also appear, fairly developed.
A global treatment of the wavenumbers of some 830 lines in 9 bands of the system, involving the levels v'=0 to 4 and v''=0 to 5, is carried out. The consistent set of accurate effective spectroscopic constants for both electronic states, directly obtained at equilibrium, is expected to be useful for high resolution syntheses of S-type stellar spectra.
Key words: molecular data -- line: identification
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)