Up: GRANAT/SIGMA observation of GRB
Fast and accurate localizations of gamma-ray bursts by BeppoSAX helped
to establish the connection of GRB with the decaying X-ray, optical, and
radio sources. These observations are well explained by the relativistic
fireball model (e.g.
Sari et al. 1998).
The fireball observations
immediately after the burst, when the Lorenz factor, temperature and density
are at maximum, are of great interest. Unfortunately, afterglows
observations earlier than
hours after the burst were
We present GRANAT/SIGMA observation of the GRB 920723 light curve revealing
a soft gamma-ray afterglow with flux decaying as a power law
which starts immediately after the main burst and lasts for at least 1000 s.
Up: GRANAT/SIGMA observation of GRB
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)