The EXPLORER data cover certain period during the year 1991, '95, '97, because
maintenance and upgrades in the experimental apparatus, for a total of about
700 non continuous days.
The signals coming from the antenna are sampled with a frequency of nearly
3 Hz and filtered with a Wiener-Kolmogoroff filter, matched to
delta-like 1 ms signals for maximizing the signal to noise ratio (SNR).
Due to different antenna behaviour, different event selection criteria
were adopted.
During the 1991 we have used a fixed lower threshold in energy, while during
the subsequent years this threshold was chosen in an adaptive mode: we have
considered an event when the SNR was .For the whole period we selected only those events with an
energy of
K, in order to not consider measurements presumably due to
The data from BATSE detector are available in the 4B and Current Catalogs (Paciesas et al. 1998; Meegan et al. 1999). For our analysis we have considered the trigger times, peak fluxes and position informations.
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)