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1 Introduction

Non-imaging gamma-ray detectors can localize GRBs by using the relative flux registered with individual detectors oriented at different directions. This method is used, as an example, by the BATSE experiment ([Fishman et al. 1985]) and can also be used by the GRBM ([Pamini et al. 1990]) onboard BeppoSAX ([Boella et al. 1997]), if the response function of each detector is known with satisfactory accuracy, though larger error boxes are expected. However, even a rough determination of the angular position can be used to choose between the two intersections of annuli derived by the IPN, for bursts which BATSE does not detect. In order to test this method on GRBM, we have chosen a sample of GRBs simultaneously detected by GRBM and BATSE, for which the incoming direction and spectral characteristics can be determined from the BATSE catalog ( In the following we briefly show a study of the BATSE/GRBM relative trigger efficiency, describe the method developed for GRB localization and give the preliminary results obtained for a typical event.

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