Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 136, 1-5
W.T. Manrique1 - Lu. Lizhi2 - R. Perdomo3 - R.C. Podesta1 - Wang Zezhi2 - E.L. Actis1 - Zeng Fanmiao2 - Zeng Zhifang2 - E. Alonso1 - A.M. Pacheco1 - G. Bustos1
1 - Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar, Benavidez 8175, San Juan,
2 -
Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Beijing 100080, China
3 -
Observatorio Astronomico de La Plata, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
Received December 12, 1997; accepted June 4, 1998
According to the cooperation between Beijing, San Juan and La Plata Astronomical
Observatories, the photoelectric astrolabe Mark II(PAII) of the Beijing Astronomical
Observatory was moved and installed at the San Juan Observatory, Argentina in January,
1992 for observations of the catalogue of stars in the southern hemisphere. The first
observing period was from Feb. 23, 1992 to Mar. 31, 1997. Using the data observed in
San Juan with the instrument during this period, residuals for 11002 stars are reduced
from about 405700 observations of stars over 1532 days. The mean precision of the
residuals is 0.043''. The Second Catalogue of Stars (CPASJ2) has been compiled
from double transits at both the eastern and western passages. There are 5241 stars in
this catalogue, including 1225 FK5/FK4Supp stars, 794 FK5Ext stars, 1084 SRS stars, 937
CAMC4 stars, 310 GC stars and 891 IMF stars. The mean precisions are
3.2ms and
0.057'' in right ascension and declination, respectively. The magnitudes of
stars are from 2.0 to 11.5. The declinations are from
.The mean epoch is 1994.9. Finally, systematic corrections of(CPASJ2-FK5) are given.
Key words: catalogue -- astrometry -- reference systems
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)