Up: High X-ray-to-optical flux ratio
This is a rather small sample compared with 18811 entries in RASS-BSC.
However it gives us a view into what kind of objects occupy the highest
X-ray-to-optical flux ratio regime. We can draw following conclusion from
the sample identification results:
- 1.
- Finding BL Lac objects by identifying X-ray sources with very
high X-ray-to-optical flux ratio is proved to be fruitful.
- 2.
- Those X-ray parameters listed in RASS-BSC can give a clue to the
optical counterparts of X-ray sources. Pre-identification can be achieved
if the combination properties in X-ray band (count-rate, hardness ratio and
extent) and optical band (visual magnitude and morphology) are concerned.
- 3.
- The peculiar HR1 distribution of AGN predicts that there is a soft
X-ray excess over the flat hard X-ray continuum of AGN in the sample.
We thank an anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions.
Dr. D.-W. Xu, X.-J. Jiang and Dr. Z.-H. Zhu give us much help in preparing the
manuscript. This work is partly supported by the Pandeng Project of the
Chinese Scientific Committee and the Chinese National Natural Science
Up: High X-ray-to-optical flux ratio
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)