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4 The observations


In the present study two full spectral atlases are analyzed, one emitted by a solar active region, and the other in quiet Sun conditions. Both of them were obtained by rastering over a $30\times 30~{\rm arcsec}^2$ area on the solar disk with 15 mirror positions and 15 slit positions using the $2'' \times 2''$ slit. For each of the resulting 225 exposures of both sets of spectra the exposure time was 50 s. The quiet Sun observation was obtained on September 2$^{\rm nd}$ 1996; the corresponding data file is known as s4552. Its GSET_ID number is 41. The active region spectrum (s4554) was taken immediately after the quiet Sun observation. Its GSET_ID is 47. The two datasets were taken close together in order to eliminate any possible long term time variation of the GIS intensity calibration between one observation and the other, so that the results obtained from the two spectra could be directly compared.

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