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Tables 3 to 14 only in elctronic form

Table 3: Table of measurements and residuals for BU 524 AB. Column designation is 1: date, 2: $\rho$, 3: $\theta$, 4: number of measurements the values are averaged on, 5: observer's id., 6: residual in $\rho$, 7: residual in $\theta$.
WDS 02537+3820 - BU 524 - ADS 2200 AB

 1 2 3 4 5...
 ...2.22 3 VBS -.03 .43 1985.740 .19 282.37 1 TOK -.00 2.10\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 4: Table of measurements and residuals for BU 524 AB (Continued)
WDS 02537+3820 - BU 524 - ADS 2200 AB

 1 2 3 4 5...
 ....92 1 HRT .02 -1.07
 1995.931 .08 194.02 1 PIC .03 4.87\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 5: Table of measurements and residuals for A 2681
WDS 06575+0253 - A 2681 - ADS 5625

 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
 ...2.05 1 HIP .02 3.49
 1997.074 .36 319.42 1 PIC .02 2.83\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 6: Table of measurements and residuals for A 2477
WDS 09245+1808 - A 2477 - ADS 7341

 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
 ...9.65 2 DOM .09 -2.17 1987.272 .41 336.15 1 MCA .01 -.81\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 7: Table of measurements and residuals for A 2477 (continued)
WDS 09245+1808 - A 2477 - ADS 7341

 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
 ...1.32 2 MLR -.02 -2.16 1997.074 .41 348.11 1 PIC .01 .32\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 8: Table of measurements and residuals for BU 1077
WDS 11037+6145 - BU 1077 - ADS 8035

 1 2 3 4 5 6...
 ...3.87 5 BAZ .04 -1.36 1997.074 .47 226.21 1 PIC .05 2.33\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 9: Table of measurements and residuals for A 1777 AB
WDS 11551+4629 - A 1777 - ADS 8347 AB

 1 2 3 4 5...
 ...1.90 1 MCA -.00 .47
 1997.074 .14 276.00 1 PIC .03 1.19\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 10: Table of measurements and residuals for Cou 612
WDS 15390+2545 - Cou 612

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 ...
 ....13 1 BAG -.01 -.93 1992.480 .21 227.86 2 COU -.01 1.18\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 11: Table of measurements and residuals for Cou 612 (continued)
WDS 15390+2545 - Cou 612

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 ...
 ...12.68 2 COU .03 1.52
 1997.468 .26 208.29 1 PIC .01 .90\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 12: Table of measurements and residuals for Cou 321
WDS 19180+2012 - Cou 321

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 ...
 ...2.23 1 COU .02 3.03 1997.471 .10 318.59 1 PIC -.04 3.39\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 13: Table of measurements and residuals for STF 2556
WDS 19394+2215 -- STF 2556 -- ADS 12752

 1 2 3 4...
 ....64 2 BRY -.03 -1.04 1951.560 .33 74.94 2 MLR -.02 -.35\end{verbatim}\end{table}

Table 14: Table of measurements and residuals for STF 2556 (Continued)
WDS 19394+2215 -- STF 2556 -- ADS 12752

 1 2 3 4...
 ...43.05 5 BEH .05 -1.74 1997.468 .36 10.59 1 PIC .00 1.78\end{verbatim}\end{table}

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